U.S. Warns Of al Qaeda Threat To Democracy In NYC

By David Ingram Federal officials have warned authorities in New York, Texas and Virginia about an unspecific threat of attacks by the al Qaeda militant group around Election Day, putting local law enforcement on alert the weekend before Tuesday’s vote, officials said on Friday.

Ferdinand ‘Jelly Roll’ Morton In Harlem, New York 1928 – 1935

Ferdinand ‘Jelly Roll’ Morton at home in Harlem, on the corner of some Street and some Avenue in Harlem. Morton was American ragtime royalty, “considered best regarded pianists in the Storyville District,” he was an early jazz pianist, bandleader and composer who was born Ferdinand Joseph LaMothe, started his career and Jazz in 1902 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

How The Election Impacts The Market

With the presidential election dominating the news cycles, many investors may be keeping an eye on the stock market as well as the voting booth as they wonder what impact the election of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump could have on their portfolios.

Book Launch “The New Communism” By Bob Avakian In Harlem

Harlem has a long history of Communism from W. A. Domingo, Marcus Garvey, Humbert Harris to Williana “Liane” Jones Burroughs,  and many more. So its no surprise that On October 8, 2016, a major book launch of THE NEW COMMUNISM by Bob Avakian will take place at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Harlem, NY.