The Best Places For Lemonade In Harlem

Presented by Citibank What topped our best summer lemonade places in Harlem list? Well, as usual our sweet team of lemonade lovers across our platforms let us know their best picks for fabulous lemonade in Harlem. On the flip check out the places in Harlem that made the cut.

Resurrected Harlem, Rev. Calvin Butts Seeks Salvation

Crains New York reports that when the definitive history of New York’s resurgence is written, one of the pivotal players will be Harlem’s Abyssinian Development Corp., the church-based housing and social-services organization that the Rev. Calvin Butts led to resurrect a neighborhood that once symbolized urban collapse.

NYPD Place Banker In Harlem Psych Ward

Kamilah Brock says the New York City police sent her to a mental hospital for a hellish eight days, where she was forcefully injected with powerful drugs, essentially because they couldn’t believe a black woman owned a BMW.