This year marks the 10th Anniversary of The Harlem International Film Festival. To celebrate this momentous occasion The Cecil, NYC’s first Afro-Asian-American Brasserie, and Minton’s, Harlem’s sexy jazz supper club, will be hosting various events throughout the week.
The event week will kick off with:
- VIP Opening Night Reception at The Cecil: Wednesday, September 9th from 10pm – 12am
UHAI EASHRI, an organization from Kenya, will be hosting a VIP party at The Cecil to celebrate the opening night film “Stories of Our Lives” – an anthology film based on true life experiences that tell of what it is like to be LGBT in Kenya that has received outstanding global reviews and awards.
- Panel Discussion at Minton’s – Africa, Artists, Activism: Homemade Recipes for Social Change: Friday September 11th from 1:30pm – 3pm
Minton’s, West 118th Street, New York, New York,
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