Everything Harlem’s Sharpton Has Lived For Is At Stake

July 20, 2014, three days after Eric Garner suffocated to death during an arrest by New York City police officers for selling loose cigarettes, the Reverend Al Sharpton delivered the Sunday sermon at Riverside Church, on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine…

Whole Foods Does A 365 Before It Opens In Harlem

Before Whole Foods opens in Harlem, they feel a combination of tattoos and organic produce might not be an intuitive combination, but Whole Foods suggests it will help attract a bigger Harlem Millennial market. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to…

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Retiring In Harlem

By Stephen Ng Americans are part of an amazing yet curious phenomenon: most are extremely well-educated in their professions and careers, yet are quite uneducated when it comes to the purpose behind their jobs – money. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to…

Former Yuengling Brewery In Harlem Gets Landmarks Hearing

Prohibition nearly killed it, but time could destroy it. That’s the situation for the last remaining brewing complex in Manhattan. The former D.G. Yuengling Brewery Co. complex in Harlem is under consideration for landmark designation and a public hearing was held last Thursday. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem…

Free Thanksgiving Dinner at SWEET MAMA’S In Harlem

On Thursday, November 26th Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement, Inc. (HCCI) will co-host the 2nd ANNUAL HCCI/Sweet Mama’s Thanksgiving Dinner Giveaway to feed needy families in Harlem. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Harlem World Magazine. (You…

Harlem Business Alliance’s “Achieving Economic Equality”

On Thursday, November 5th, Harlem Business Alliance (HBA) hosted a successful keynote speaker and panel discussion for the event Black Business Matters: Achieving Economic Equality in Contracting in the Harlem Hospital Pavilion. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails…

Women And Negotiation: Are There Gender Differences?

Earlier this month, an essay by actress Jennifer Lawrence on the subject of pay in Hollywood generated numerous discussions on how – and how well – women negotiate. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Harlem World Magazine.…

Legal Lessons Harlemites Can Learn From Celebrity Break-Ups

By Hillel L. Presser Harlem girl Kelis divorced Nas, she has remarried having her second child, back in the day East Harlem’s Burt Lancaster had two marriages end in divorce. Sadly, there’s never a shortage of notable divorces, and outlets like TMZ are never dry on the topic. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select…

Participatory Budgeting Grows, But Not Everywhere

Gotham Gazette reports that in four years participatory budgeting has exploded from four to 27 New York City Council districts. With over 51,000 voters casting ballots last cycle to allocate a total of $32 million dollars to projects across the city, New York‘s experiment in direct democracy has quickly become the largest of its kind…

Rumble In The East Harlem Real Estate Jungle

A Manhattan judge dismissed several counterclaims by a group of East Harlem businesses against the city’s eminent domain plans for the neighborhood, setting up a hearing next month that could lead to a long appeals process. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would…

Woman’s Death Investigated As A Suicide In Harlem

The woman’s body lay in a pool of blood, illuminated by police floodlights that shone into bedrooms on a Harlem block. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Harlem World Magazine. (You can unsubscribe anytime)Constant Contact Use. Please…

Dining With Miss Lil: The 1st Annual Harlem Eat Up Festival

By Lil Nickelson Executive Chef/Owner Marcus Samuelsson of Red Rooster Harlem and Streetbird Rotisserie (pictured above with his wife model Maya Haile) came up with the idea for a festival to celebrate and showcase the diversity of Harlem’s food, culture and spirit.  Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem…