Salters Scene: Hearts of Gold 15th Annual Gala

The Hearts of Gold 15thAnnual Gala-Arabian Nights, took place at the Metropolitan Pavilion on a beautiful Thursday night in November. The festive evening, complete with belly dancing, a silent auction and fashion show was hosted by Law & Order SVU – Actor, Producer and Director Tamara Tunie.

Walter’s World: Kwanzaa Celebration- Regeneration Night at the Apollo

By Walter Rutledge Kwanzaa has become a nationally recognized celebration since it’s in inception in 1966. The concepts embodied in the seven principles known as the Nguzo Saba are universal in today’s society, but were extremely relevant to the civil rights era Americans of African decent; who were rekindling the concepts of self-determination, economic empowerment…

Walter’s World: The Greatest Gift

By Walter Rutledge I know for many of you the arts and related arts events are a minor, if not trivial part of your day. With all the real defining moments happening around us hearing about a dance concert, or musical, or art exhibit is just one of life’s frivolities. What is amazing is how…

The Impossible is Possible

By Claude Jay The Origin of the Watch Night Service On December 31, people around the world will gather to celebrate waiting and watching as 2009 goes out and the New Year 2010 comes in. Just a short subway ride from Harlem, thousands of people will gather to watch the ball drop In Time Square.…

Walter’s World: Pre- Holiday Week of Events

By Walter Rutledge After an extended weekend of Thanksgiving dinners and robust shopping this week promises to be an eventful prelude to the holiday season. Dance, Opera and Theater abound throughout the city with many outstanding productions taking place in Harlem.