The History Channel Adapts The Harlem Hellfighters

The History Channel, a.k.a that place where you watch Pawn Stars, Vikings, and that weird-haired guy who talks about aliens, is actually getting back into the history business… thanks to The Harlem Hellfighters, a graphic novel. The comic book industry says, “You’re welcome.”

Eugene Giscombe Talks Real Estate On Harlem World Radio (#1)

On Friday, August 12th, high top the historic Hotel Theresa, on 125th Street, Harlem World Magazine Radio Podcast host Danny Tisdale set down and spoke to longtime Harlemite, one time chair of the Community Board #10, and the 125th Street BID (Business Improvement District), avid big game hunter and real estate veteran Eugene Giscombe.

West Harlem’s Arthur Asher Miller 1915 – 2005

Arthur Asher Miller (October 17, 1915 – February 10, 2005) was a prolific American playwright, essayist, and prominent figure in twentieth-century American theatre. Among his most popular plays are All My Sons (1947), Death of a Salesman (1949), The Crucible (1953) and A View from the Bridge (1955, revised 1956).