New Jazz At Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis Release Of “Handful of Keys”

[easyazon_link identifier=”B000002ARB” locale=”US” tag=”harlemworld-20″]Jazz at Lincoln Center[/easyazon_link]’s [easyazon_link identifier=”B01MR5V165″ locale=”US” tag=”harlemworld-20″]Blue Engine Records[/easyazon_link] today announced the release of [easyazon_link identifier=”B072BH49LZ” locale=”US” tag=”harlemworld-20″]Handful of Keys[/easyazon_link] on September 15, 2017, a live recording of performances that captured 100 years of jazz piano in one night in Frederick P. Rose Hall at Jazz at Lincoln Center.

The Apollo Announces 2015-16 Season In Harlem

The Apollo Theater today announced its 2015–2016 season, encompassing world premieres, commissions, and collaborationswith world-class performing arts institutions and international artists working across a range of disciplines and genres— from dance and theater to jazz, soul, and opera.

Black Stars of The Great White Way At Carnegie Hall

By Claude Jay On Monday, June 23, at 8:00 PM, Chapman Roberts (Choral Director/arranger-Five Guys Name Moe and Smokey Joe’s Café) and Norm Lewis (Phantom, Phantom of the Opera and the TV series, Scandal), will realize their vision to pay tribute to the contributions and influence of African American men on Broadway and at Carnegie…