Learn About Fragrant Jasmine Rice

February 15, 2023

Also known as Thai scented rice or shortly, Thai rice, this variety is recognized as one of the most exquisite and aromatic rice types, with a natural scent of jasmine.

The smell is its hallmark and owes its name to the jasmine flower, which has a mild aroma. It is usually one of the best accompaniments for Thai or Asian dishes in general.

What makes jasmine rice different

  • It is a healthy and nutritious cereal that has qualities that make it ideal for any type of diet or nutritional requirement. It contains no cholesterol or sodium. Indeed, it is a complex carbohydrate, gluten-free and non-allergenic.
  • Thanks to its very low fat content, it is an excellent food for maintaining good cardiovascular health as long as no fats are added during cooking.
  • The main component of jasmine rice is starch and is therefore a good source of energy. It provides about 350 calories per 100 grams.
  • It contributes 7 percent of proteins and is rich in vitamins of the group B, if it is consumed integral.
  • It is poor in minerals, especially in iron, calcium and zinc and that is why it is convenient to take it in combination with legumes, vegetables, meats or fish.

Bear in mind, however, that due to the processing to which it has been subjected, white rice is devoid of nutrients found in the pericarp of the grain, such as fiber, vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, jasmine long-grain rice doubles the pleasure of eating it due to its delicious nutty flavor and characteristic floral aroma.

And above all it is easy to digest!

What are its health benefits?

Many people ask if jasmine rice is healthy. In this respect, in 2004, the United Nations marked the beginning of the International Year of Rice, with the slogan, “Rice is Life”. That is because it is reported that around the world, rice has been recognized as the staple food of millions of people. Also, it provides an inexpensive, healthy, and often easily accessible source of nutrition in areas where other foods may be scarce.

Then it is a food that, when eaten combined with plenty of water, tea or another non-alcoholic, non-soda beverage, prevents constipation and benefits the digestion of foods by aiding the flow through the gastrointestinal tract and softening the stool.

Besides, the vitamins and minerals in jasmine rice benefit the skin, may help prevent certain types of cancer and provide quick energy, as it is a complex carbohydrate.

Low protein food

Although rice is abundant and has some vitamins and nutrients, its protein content is low, according to studies conducted by the International Rice Research Institute, even though it contains eight amino acids. Consuming foods that contain essential amino acids that are not produced in the human body is crucial for maintaining healthy muscles and a well-functioning metabolism.

How to cook jasmine rice

To cook it, a different proportion of water is used: 1 ¼ cup of water for 1 cup of rice. With this measure, its cooking will be perfect: with the grains detached and well cooked.

Letting the rice rest is basic for the success of the cooking, since it is at that moment when the cooking process finishes.

Another important aspect is to avoid opening the pan, and, of course, thoroughly mixing while it is still cooking.

Furthermore, this rice must be drained in water before cooking because of its extra starch content. It is known that grains of this variety of rice tend to clump together when cooked, and it is less sticky than other long grain rices.

For more interesting information about jasmine rice go to https://mahatmarice.com/products/jasmine-white-rice/  where some nutritional facts are given, as well as tips to cook it, the difference of jasmine rice from other types of rice and many other data important for you to know.

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