The Black Documentary Collective presents, The Torture of Mothers in Harlem. “This film explores the universally pertinent story of a brave group of mothers forced to defend their falsely accused sons. The young men, who became known to millions as “The Harlem Six”, soon became the force which united a community in the name of justice.”--Container
Cast: Rudy Dee, Adolph Caesar, Starletta DuPois, Novella, Nelson, Louise Stubbs, Clarice Taylor, Directed by Woodie King Jr.
Eric V. Tait Jr. will interview Woodie King Jr. Following the docudrama screening there will be a networking reception / holiday celebration.
On Friday, December 18, 2015
Doors open @ 6pm / Film starts @ 7pm
The Dwyer Community Center, 258 Saint Nicholas Avenue, New York, New York, 10027,, (212) 222-3060
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