Starting A New Job? Here Are Some Tips To Help You Stay Safe

October 27, 2021

Starting a new job can be one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking things a person can do.

A new job means new colleagues, a new workspace, and a new job description, and all of these things can be a lot to handle on their own. New beginnings are great but can bring with them their own new sets of worries and troubles. Whether you work in marketing or construction, as an executive or as a line worker, workplace safety is very important.

Moving into a new workspace means starting from square one and getting to know your surroundings again. Work safety is acquired over years of experience, so you need to start from day one at your new job to get that knowledge again. To get you started here are some tips and tricks to help you stay safe at your new palace of work. From tips on how to stay safe during the pandemic, to how to protect yourself legally, this list has got you covered. Make sure you start your next job off on the right foot and look out for your safety as well as your future!

Know who’s in charge of your safety

The first part of ensuring your safety at work is to know who’s in charge of it. Bigger companies will typically have a Human Resources department. This department will be in charge of workplace safety and making sure standards are up to par. You can turn to the HR department for any questions, concerns, or problems you may have with the safety regulations at work. Smaller businesses usually don’t have an HR representative. It then becomes the job of the management and supervisors to ensure everyone’s safety at the workplace. Knowing who’s the head of the workplace safety pyramid is important, but don’t forget that it is everyone’s job to create a safe environment at work. 

Know your rights

Next on the list of important safety tips at the workplace, is to know your rights as a worker. If you get injured at work, it’s well within your right to claim compensation from your higher-ups. This can help soothe any financial, emotional, or physical problems that may have come out of that injury, however, not all claims will be approved. Knowing what to do if your worker’s compensation claim is denied in Georgia or any other state, is an important part of ensuring your safety at work. Whether you’re in Atlanta Georgia or Tampa Florida, you need to know what to do in these situations. 

Do your part

Before you start going around and pointing fingers, the first step to ensuring your safety has to come from you. Make sure to learn and follow the rules and safety regulations put in place at your workplace every day. Following the safety rules is crucial, so if you don’t know what they are, ask your supervisors. Pay attention and don’t skip out on training and tutorials. Learn how to do your job from day one. Make sure to follow the instructions and to use the tools, equipment, and machinery properly. Misuse of this equipment could result in minor to serious injury, so make sure you’re doing it right. 

Wear the gear

A huge part of personal safety is making sure to wear the required protective gear. Whether you work on a construction site or in a chemical laboratory, it’s essential that you respect the safety dress code. During these difficult times, a face mask might be the single most important safety accessory you may need. Goggles, helmets, gloves, and overalls might not be the most stylish accessories, but they can save your life. Even something as simple as non-slip shoes can make the world of a difference, so make sure to do your part and wear the gear to stay safe. 

Ask if you don’t know

Plenty of workplace mishaps and accidents happen because of a lack of understanding or knowledge of the job at hand. The best way to avoid workplace accidents is to always know what you’re doing and to ask when you don’t know. If you work with heavy or dangerous equipment, you must know how to use them, especially if you’re a new employee. Should things go wrong, learn what to do in case of emergencies before they arise. Refer to your superiors and don’t assume that you can do something without previous instruction. There’s no shame in asking for help or extra explanation, especially when your safety is on the line. 

Keep your eyes peeled and report

The last and most important tip on this list has to do with identifying and reporting safety or health hazards at work. It’s one thing to keep up your end and to do your best, but what happens when the hazard is separate from you? It’s your responsibility as an employee to be diligent and report any hazards or risks to your superiors, even if it involves another employee. The safety of the workplace depends on the employees being the eyes and ears on the ground for the business. You need to be on the lookout for any safety violations or unsafe practices to uphold the well-being of your fellow employees.

Workplace safety is an essential part of any workplace, especially a new one. As a new employee, it’s your responsibility to do your part when it comes to workplace safety. Before you get to work, make sure you know the rules and who your superiors are. Learn which higher-ups are responsible for your safety and don’t hesitate to ask them questions or report any funny business to them. As an employee, you need to know your rights when it comes to your health and safety. Should you get injured, don’t be afraid to claim compensation, but be prepared for every outcome. 

Doing your part also means doing your job properly. Attend all the necessary training, follow the safety rules, and learn how to properly use your tools. Workplace safety starts with every employee doing their job and paying attention. Don’t forget to wear your safety protection whether that be a face mask or an industrial helmet. If you’re unsure, ask! Your supervisors are there to help you and make sure you don’t hurt yourself while you work. Last but not least, don’t be afraid to keep the workplace safe by reporting any health or safety violations.

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