Quickly And Easily Create A Match Plan For Your Next Exam

April 15, 2022

Before we get started, we need to clarify what exactly a match plan is.

The term “match plan” originally comes from sports and describes the strategic orientation of one or more athletes for the upcoming competition. Important components include tactical moves, objectives, opponent analysis, and scenario consideration.

Applied to your studies or your next exam, this means: In a match plan, you determine how you will behave during your exam.

It is not about discussing the content, but solely about planning your actions in various exam situations in advance. This way you always have a precise idea of what to do in which situation. You keep a cool head, avoid panic, and can concentrate on the exam questions with all your energy.

Not convinced yet? Now let’s take a closer look at the benefits of a match plan.

Why You Need a Match Plan for Your Next Exam

Countless students are unaware of the concept of the match plan. First, because nobody taught them, and second, because they establish a dangerous tunnel perception during their exam preparation. This means: The more intensively these students deal with the exam content, the further away they are from the real exam situation. They only think about studying, forgetting that the exam itself requires mental and practical preparation.

But this is exactly where match plans can help you.

These are the top seven benefits of a match plan:

  • You deal intensively with the exam situation
  • Your organization on exam day will be worlds better
  • You can react better to unexpected problems during the exam
  • You have less stress and reduce your test anxiety
  • Your concentration during the exam increases
  • You become more relaxed and confident
  • Your test results will be significantly better

Sounds good right?

And now I’ll show you how to set up a match plan for your next exam.

This is how you create a match plan for your next exam

Match plans are easy, and alongside them, you can use a paper writing service to give yourself the freedom to concentrate only on the exam. They always work and can be used in almost any situation. Each match plan is based on the following basic idea: Think about how your upcoming challenge could play out!

Based on your exam, five small steps can be derived from this principle:

Step 1: Determine the Exam Conditions!

The first thing to do is to assess the exam situation as best as possible. To do this, you list all the framework conditions that you can determine in the run-up to your exam. These questions can help you:

  • On which day does the exam take place?
  • What time does it start?
  • How long does the exam take?
  • In which lecture hall is the exam held?
  • How do you get there?
  • When do you have to leave or drive off so that you are there on time?
  • Are aids allowed in the exam?
  • Which utensils do you absolutely have to think about?

Gather all the important information about your exam situation and in this way define the framework as narrowly as possible.

Step 2: Set a Goal for Your Exam!

The second step is to set your goals and expectations for the exam. These target questions will help you:

  • What do I want to achieve in this exam?
  • What expectations do I have of myself?
  • Do these expectations match my previous actions?
  • What result do I want to achieve?
  • What grade do I want to finish with?
  • What would I have to do for it?

Only when you are clear about your goals can you achieve them. If you don’t know where you want to go, you will never take the right path to get there. You will get lost and become unhappy in the long run. So don’t take this step lightly and set your goals carefully.

Step 3: Set Milestones and Potential Obstacles!

An exam is nothing more than a series of big and small problems to be solved (milestones). And this is exactly what this third step deals with. Think about the challenges you might face during your exam and also include possible difficulties in your considerations:

  • How is your exam structured?
  • How many tasks and subtasks will there be?
  • What is the scope of an examination task?
  • What types of tasks will there be?
  • What do old exam papers look like?
  • What could happen during the exam?
  • What events might bother you during the exam?

Once you’ve compiled all of the milestones and possible obstacles, you’ll have a pretty good idea of what exam elements to expect. Remember to account for preparation for the exam, and give yourself more free time with the help from us.masterpapers.com. Next, let’s organize this collection.

Step 4: Plan the Timing of Your Exam!

Now that the general conditions (step 1) and the individual elements (step 3) of your exam are known, you put them in chronological order and plan your exam situation in this way. For example, it could look like this:

Planning your entire exam day (from getting up to the end of the exam) makes you feel good. You feel safe and well prepared. You don’t have to think about what to do and you can fully concentrate on your exam because you know that the rest of the organization is already taken care of.

Step 5: Play Through Different Scenarios!

Like all plans, match plans have one crucial problem: they (almost) never turn out exactly the way you thought they would. No matter how good and well-founded your plan may be, there will always be a tiny detail that torpedoes your wishful thinking and forces you to change course. For this reason, it is part of good planning to have various alternatives or contingency plans ready.

Therefore, consider which courses are possible for your test and create a short, individual match plan for each situation. It’s usually enough if you determine an appropriate response for potential problems. Go through different scenarios and think, for example, about what can happen in your exam in the best or worst case. These questions give you an orientation:

  • How could your exam go?
  • How have your exams gone so far?
  • What could happen in the best case (the best-case scenario)?
  • What’s the worst that could happen? (the worst-case scenario)?
  • What problems could arise?
  • How would you react to that?
  • How have you reacted to such problems so far?
  • What could an alternative to your match plan look like?
  • Is your match plan realistic?
  • Is your match plan complete?

Be careful not to overdo your planning at this point. There are endless scenarios – but you don’t have to plan them all. The only important thing is that you set up a realistic match plan that allows you to react flexibly to problems and the unforeseen.


A match plan can help you do significantly better, especially when you smartly delegate your academic workload to writing service companies. Match plans are strategic planning tools that have your back during an exam situation. They give you structure and orientation so that you can concentrate on your core business: your exam.

Furthermore, a match plan ensures that you mentally prepare for your exam. You deal with the course of the exam early on, think about possible obstacles and familiarize yourself with the upcoming challenge. This way you reduce your exam stress and feel less overwhelmed. In addition, your self-confidence increases.

But the best thing is: You can set up your own match plan in just five small steps.

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