Power Thoughts For Your Success, How to Change Your Life From Harlem To Harare

October 26, 2021

By Dr. Herbert Harris

“Be not conformed to this world . . .” means that you are not locked into whatever circumstances, situations, associations, or challenges that exist in your life right now.

You do not have to remain in your present condition.

“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind . . .” means that you can be changed or transformed from your present condition by putting a new thought, a new state of consciousness, into your mind.

In other words, you can change your life from whatever it is right now (this world) to anything you want it to be, by changing your thinking, your frame of reference about yourself.

Taking the first and second universal laws of success together: the first law states that your experience of life depends on your thinking. The second law provides that the life you are experiencing right now can be changed by changing your thinking.

Some people seem to be successful in whatever they do. It doesn’t seem to matter which political party is in charge or how the economy as a whole is doing.

Because they keep their thinking centered on the positive aspects of the results they wish to accomplish, they get just those results, no matter what.

The Universal Law of Change Has Three Fundamental Aspects: Faith, Choice, and Desire.

The first aspect of the Universal Law of Change is faith.

Faith is defined as a firm belief or trust in something or someone, generally for which there is no objective proof. It is a belief from which all doubt has been removed. The biblical definition of faith makes it very clear:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” —Hebrews 11:1

To bring about change in your life, you must have faith that such change is possible.

No matter how negative your situation, if you have faith that things will get better – that there is something better for you in this life – you have taken the first step toward finding it.

If you have doubts that your life can change for the better, then you’re right, it can’t.

You must know, belief, and have total faith that you are the creation of the God Head (God Consciousness).
You are endowed with the inalienable rights to be healthy, happy, and totally fulfilled.

The second aspect of the Universal Law of Change is choice.

“Choose this day whom you will serve . . .” —Joshua 24:15

Every opportunity, every challenge that we experience confronts us with a choice.

We choose either a positive approach (flowers), or a negative approach (weeds). If we make no affirmative choice at all, an approach is selected by the world mind which, in this cycle, is generally negative.

To change your life for the better, you must affirmatively identify and specifically define what a better life means to you.

Then, you must choose to pursue this better life and make the changes in your thinking and acting that will bring it about.

The third aspect of the Universal Law of Change is desire.

The key ingredient for change is desire—burning desire.

Unless there is a deep hunger, a burning desire for the changes you want to bring about in your life, these changes will not happen.

Deep desire means that you want the change in your life as much as you desire to breathe. If your life is not the way you want it to be, then know that you can do better.

Choose a positive, empowering approach to doing better. Desire this change in your life so deeply that nothing and no one can stop you from achieving it.

“You can be what you want to be. Do what you want to do. Have what you want to have.” —Rev. Ike

Based on The Twelve Universal Laws of Success, Super Achiever Edition by Dr. Herbert Harris. Available at Amazon.com or through www.12uls.com. Email herbert@herbertharris.com to receive free Twelve Affirmations To Live By Poster.

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