NYC Electeds Co-Sponsor Transportation Investment Legislation

Today, a coalition of New York State Assembly Members unveiled groundbreaking legislation that not only will fund MTA capital needs but will create a $4.5 billion Transit Gap Investment Fund (TGIF) to expand public transit and improve accessibility for millions of New Yorkers, particularly those who live in so-called “transit deserts.”

New Filmmaker Bo Starks Offers ‘Love Or Laughs’

By Ingrid Hadasah What if the comic intellect of Chris Rock and genius of Jerry Seinfeld were fused into really funny film – no wait great T.V.?!!!!! Wouldn’t you go see it ASAP? Arguably it’s been done by each in his own right however Bo Starks and Box Star Films might be might be the…

NY State Wants NYC Tourists

New York state wants to take a bite out of the Big Apple’s tourism market–attracting a greater share of the 54 million plus people who visit the city and convincing them to spend time upstate and on Long Island.

HW Remix: Knocking on Harlem’s Door

We thought this story by Chris Smith that orignally ran in the NYMagazine on November 3, 2010 would be informative as we head into the primary elections in June 2014. It’s a campaign-kickoff rally straight out of the playbook: festive red-white-and-blue posters, lapel buttons featuring the smiling candidate, a soundtrack of upbeat and strenuously unobjectionable…