Bounce TV’s hit sitcom In The Cut (created by Bentley Kyle Evans) is back for an all-new season following barbershop owner Jay “The Dream” Weaver (Dorien Wilson) as he continues to bond with Kenny (Ken Lawson), the adult son he never knew he had. Drama and comedy surface as he balances working alongside wisecracking employees, his attraction to Cheryl (portrayed by season two newcomer Kellita Smith), and competition from the new co-owner of the beauty salon next door.
Upcoming episodes include:
Tuesday, August 2nd at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT
Easy Come, Easy Go – As Smitty (John Marshall Jones) dives into the world of online dating, Jay (Dorien Wilson) and Kenny (Ken Lawson) fear he may be getting catfished. Meanwhile, Jay receives more than he planned when making a withdrawal from the bank and tries to use the money to woo Cheryl (Kellita Smith). Toccara Jones (America’s Next Top Model) and Jazsmin Lewis (Barbershop film series) guest star.
Tuesday, August 9th at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT
Groundhog Jay – Jay (Dorien Wilson) finds himself repeatedly living the same September day, using the opportunity to alter his daily interactions for the good of himself and those around him. Shawne Merriman (retired NFL linebacker) guest stars.
You can find the new episodes of In The Cut that air on Tuesday’s at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Bounce TV (check local listings).
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