Mayor Adams Announce Record 100,000 Summer Youth Employment Opportunities From Harlem To Hollis

February 19, 2022

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced New York City will, this summer, support a record 100,000 summer job opportunities annually.

The jobs are for young people ages 14-24, with 90,000 of the opportunities stemming from the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) and 10,000 opportunities coming from other city programs.

The 90,000 opportunities through SYEP is the largest number of jobs ever made available in the program’s 60-year history.

The record number of opportunities  an increase from the previous record of nearly 75,000  is possible in part due to a $79 million investment that will be made in the mayor’s upcoming Fiscal Year 2023 Preliminary Budget. 

This expansion is a key part of an overall strategy to keep the city’s youth engaged and active over the summer months when crime spikes  and is a preventive action outlined in Mayor Adams’ Blueprint to End Gun Violence.

“Young people in this city should have the opportunity to work or learn this summer, and this historic investment will help secure a better future for tens of thousands while helping to make our city safer,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams. “We owe it to our children to give them every opportunity to thrive, and this expansion will do just that.”

The city’s SYEP program, which is the largest in the country, typically runs for six weeks in July and August.

SYEP provides participants with paid opportunities to explore potential career interests and pathways, allowing participants to engage in learning experiences that help develop their professional, social, civic, and leadership skills. 

Research shows summer jobs save lives, cut crime, and strengthen communities. A 2021 study found that SYEP participation lowers participants’ chances of being arrested that summer by 17 percent and by 23 percent for felony arrests.

Other research has found that SYEP youth are significantly less likely to be incarcerated in New York State more than five years after their participation in the program.

Beyond the public safety implications, summer jobs can offer life-changing experiences for participants who discover a passion, connect with a mentor, and gain the confidence that comes from successfully navigating the world of work.

As the program has evolved over its six-decade history, the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) has put greater emphasis on youth development. 

City officials are also working with private sector partners, non-profit organizations, and others to help place participants.

Applications for New York City’s SYEP CareerReady and Special Initiatives tracks opened on February 14, and the general community-based application period for all youth opens on March 1, 2022.

The CareerReady track is designed for students between the ages of 14 and 21 from select DOE schools, while the Special Initiatives track offers tailored opportunities for youth aged 14-24 who are:

  • Residents of select New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) developments;
  • Homeless or have run away;
  • Justice- or court-involved;
  • In foster care;
  • Receiving preventative services through the New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS);
  • New York City Human Resources Administration participants receiving Cash Assistance via Business Link;
  • Students from Access and alternative schools; or
  • Have experienced gender-based violence.

“This record-breaking expansion of the Summer Youth Employment Program comes at a critical time for our young people,” said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Initiatives Sheena Wright. “This historic investment will help ensure our young people are given the opportunity to gain the experience and skills needed to secure a successful future. We are so grateful for all the employer partners and community-based organizations committed to the career and professional development of our city’s young people.”

“For many communities, summer youth employment opportunities are a critical chance for young people to begin a life of making good choices,” said New York City Deputy Mayor Phil Banks. “Mayor Adams often talks about going upstream to address the systemic issues that cause poverty, crime, and violence, and for many young people in this city, that means giving them an opportunity early on in life to make good decisions by empowering them with a substantive way to spend their summer investing in themselves. I applaud Mayor Adams for the creation of this program, and I look forward to working with all city agencies to implement it.”

“I have always described the Summer Youth Employment Program as a rite of passage for me and several generations of New York City young people,” said DYCD Commissioner Bill Chong. “My first SYEP job was a neighborhood beautification project on the Lower East Side in 1973. I earned $320 that summer, but more importantly, it gave me the work and life skills to pursue a four-decade career in public service. I am living proof of the power of a first job. Mayor Adams’ unprecedented commitment to SYEP comes at a time when we need more opportunities than ever to keep young people safe, productive, and engaged.”

“With this unprecedented expansion of paid summer jobs, Mayor Adams has made a powerful investment in New York City’s future,” said David Fischer, executive director, Mayor’s Office of Youth Employment. “Each of these 100,000 opportunities offers the potential for a young New Yorker to find their path toward a future of career success and economic security.”

“Every student should graduate from our schools on a path to a career, and the Summer Youth Employment Program gives young people a jump-start on that journey,” said New York City Schools Chancellor David C. Banks. “Providing opportunities for 100,000 young people will ensure learning doesn’t end when school lets out for the summer, while providing an enriching experience.”

“Members of the New York City Police Department are privileged to encounter young people everywhere they work, across all five boroughs,” said New York City Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell. “Their mission is uplifted each summer when they partner with the city’s Department of Youth and Community Development to offer options to some of the kids they encounter who they realize have far too few of them. There is no greater gift than to help kids make better choices, realize expanded opportunities, and broaden their horizons by meeting the fullest measure of their potential. Kids are the future of the city, and the NYPD looks forward to increasing the number of kids working with both uniform and civilian employees in the summer of 2022 as part of this program that represents not only an investment in each individual child but also in the city’s collective good.”

“As one of largest employers of SYEP youth, we are thrilled that Mayor Adams is expanding this workforce development program in such a dynamic way with thousands of new positions,” said incoming New York City Parks Commissioner Sue Donoghue. “Investing in our city’s young people through SYEP is an investment in our recovery and in our parks system. At Parks, summer jobs for our city’s young people will help inspire the next generation of stewards as they learn about the health and maintenance of green spaces and the vast programming we offer visitors near and far.”

“As our city bounces back from the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re thrilled to announce a historic summer employment expansion for our young people, which will help them get back to normal and get prepared for their careers,” said Department of Social Services Commissioner Gary P. Jenkins. “Through this initiative, the city will offer 100,000 job opportunities for youth and, more importantly, will work to uplift young New Yorkers with care, compassion, and a holistic approach that recognizes a healthier society is a more engaged society, with options and opportunity for all.

“I applaud Mayor Adams for expanding the Summer Youth Employment Program,” said Department of Probation Commissioner Ana M. Bermúdez. “SYEP is a critical opportunity for young people to develop necessary skills for work and life, such as how to meet new people, set goals, manage responsibilities, reimagine their lives, and foster the behavior change necessary to exit the justice system and thrive.”

“This unprecedented expansion of the Summer Youth Employment Program will be a game-changer for New York City’s youth,” said ACS Commissioner Jess Dannhauser. “Young people in our programs are hard-working and talented. I am thrilled so many of them will get this opportunity to further develop their life and career skills. It will serve them well for a lifetime. We at ACS look forward to collaborating with DYCD on this important effort.

“The Summer Youth Employment Program provides thousands of young New Yorkers with a safe, productive way to spend their summers,” said U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. “I applaud Mayor Adams’ work to expand this program and create opportunity for New York’s youth.”

“This is great news for thousands of young people in New York City, who will have the opportunity to gain hands-on work experience,” said U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler. “I am thrilled that a record number of jobs will be created for the Summer Youth Employment Program, which has helped tens of thousands of our children better position themselves for the future. I applaud Mayor Adams for prioritizing these opportunities in his preliminary budget, and I look forward to this program gaining the funding it needs.”

“As a mother, former teacher, and fellow New Yorker, I applaud Mayor Adams for this historic investment into our city’s youth, so that they can have the opportunity to work or learn this summer,” said U.S. Representative Carolyn Maloney. “As our city recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, I can think of no better way to help the future generation of our city than to give them the tools and experiences to grow and learn. This $79 million investment in our youth is welcomed and much needed.”

“The future belongs to young people, and we must provide them with every opportunity they need to prepare themselves for when it arrives,” said U.S. Representative Yvette D. Clarke. “This extraordinary employment expansion ensures young people are kept off the streets and inhabiting safe spaces that will allow them to earn decent wages, with the chance to build the necessary skills and confidence they will need to meet the workforce challenges of tomorrow. And this investment is vital during the summer months, when we see an uptick in crime and violence, especially amongst our youths. I thank Mayor Eric Adams for his staunch support of SYEP and other city programs, and I look forward to watching this meaningful and timely backing of our young people develop successfully. The 100,000-job opportunity for New York youths will undoubtedly improve their lives and circumstances and bring necessary change to our city in the years to come.”

“When young people are provided access to opportunities, coupled with the support, encouragement and mentorship they need and deserve, they will achieve,”

“When young people are provided access to opportunities, coupled with the support, encouragement and mentorship they need and deserve, they will achieve,” said U.S. Representative Adriano Espaillat. “Just last month, I led several of my House congressional colleagues in a federal effort to complement Mayor Adams’ expansion of the summer youth employment program in our city, and today’s unprecedented announcement only furthers our commitment to getting our youth off the street and getting them the early workforce experiences, training, and financial knowledge they need in order to break the cycle of inequality and violence that has robbed so many young lives for far too long. All young people deserve a chance and the opportunity to achieve, and this investment in New York City youth and their future will continue to benefit our communities for years to come.”

“Introducing young people to the workforce helps them to acquire lifelong skills that can improve both their performance in school and their future career outcomes,” said U.S. Representative Tom Suozzi. “Additionally, programs such as New York City’s SYEP have been proven to reduce the likelihood of involvement in gangs or violence. I applaud Mayor Adams and his team for their efforts to help keep our youth engaged and safe during the summer months.”

“Achieving our vision for a better and more equitable future requires intentional and robust investment in our youth,” said U.S. Representative Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. “Having worked as an educator for over 20 years, I’ve seen communities transform when our youth are given the resources, opportunities, and care they deserve inside and outside of the classroom. These summer employment opportunities for our youth are an important part in our efforts to do just that. By taking important steps like this one, we remind one another that to address public safety concerns is to holistically and passionately provide our youth with life-changing experiences that help them learn and engage with the world. I look forward to continuing being a part of implementing and advocating for holistic investments rooted in the love that empower and support our youth.”

“Through partnerships with the private sector, the Summer Youth Employment Program has helped give young people experience, training, and the ability to explore career paths and determine their interests,” said U.S. Representative Nicole Malliotakis. “Perhaps most importantly, this program gives the youth a productive outlet during the summer months and a sense of responsibility they will need to excel in life.”

“The Talmud describes giving someone a job and helping them be self-sufficient as the highest form of tzedakah,” said New York State Senator Brad Hoylman. “Further, studies show that hav­ing a job as a teenag­er is a predictor for both high­er job qual­i­ty in adult­hood and high­er wages by age 23. I greatly appreciate Mayor Eric Adams expanding New York’s youth employment program to 100,000 job opportunities this summer and supporting young New Yorkers across the city.”

“Having a robust Summer Youth Employment Program is a great way to teach teens and young adults the importance of hard work and will hopefully help them take the first steps to find a passion and creating a career for themselves,” said New York State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo Jr. “In addition to providing jobs, the Summer Youth Employment Program is vital in keeping kids off the streets during the summer and can go a long way in helping to curb potential criminal behavior in the city. I believe addressing the issue of crime starts with creating a foundation where people don’t feel the need to resort to a path of criminal activity to survive, which is why I wish this program continued success moving forward.”

“Building skills, providing education opportunities, and engaging youth are among the many benefits of the Summer Youth Employment Program,” said New York State Senator Leroy Comrie. “I welcome the historic 100,000 youth employment opportunities the city will support this year. All New Yorkers benefit when we engage the talents of our youth and open pathways for their growth and development. I applaud Mayor Adams for spearheading this investment and stand ready to work with young people and prospective employers to ensure 2022 summer youth success.”

“I have long been an ardent supporter of the Summer Youth Employment Program, which offers our youth the opportunity to earn some money and provides training, skills, and education that can benefit participants throughout their careers,” said New York State Senator Brian Kavanagh. “These jobs are especially vital to residents of some of the communities hardest hit by COVID-19. I commend Mayor Eric Adams and DYCD on announcing this record expansion as part of their continuing efforts to reduce crime and strengthen our communities. I look forward to working with the Mayor, DYCD, community organizations, and young people in my district to make SYEP a big success this summer.”

“We receive with open arms the fantastic news that our city will run a record number of job opportunities through the Summer Youth Employment Program,”

“We receive with open arms the fantastic news that our city will run a record number of job opportunities through the Summer Youth Employment Program,” said New York State Senator Robert Jackson. “This program has historically transformed the lives of my district’s youth, providing them with an opportunity to explore their interests and career pathways. I’m proud to have fought to the max for SYEP for almost two decades, especially during my time as former chair of the Education Committee in the City Council and co-chair of the Black Latino and Asian Caucus. I know so many young leaders in our city who got their start in SYEP, including my own Chief of Staff, Johanna Garcia! With this decision, our New York City youth will be better prepared for future careers and help this city as it continues to recover from this pandemic.”

“The Summer youth Employment Program is a proven success,” said New York State Senator Andrew Lanza. “The job experience gained by our youth in this program provides the skills and foundation for a life well lived.  The sense of dignity imparted puts them on the path to greater success.  I commend and thank Mayor Adams for recognizing its benefits and making this historic increase and investment in the program.”

“The Summer Youth Employment Program is a phenomenal program, and I applaud Mayor Adams for pushing to offer the greatest number of opportunities through SYEP in our city’s history,” said New York State Assemblymember Jeffrey Dinowitz. “As our communities struggle to rein in the surge in gun violence that has arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating constructive opportunities that will help our city’s youth focus their time and energy in productive ways is a critical part of the solution. Kudos to Mayor Adams for this proposal, and I look forward to its full implementation in the Bronx and throughout our great city.”

“I applaud this important investment in the young people of our city,” said New York State Assemblymember Latrice Walker. “The Summer Youth Employment Program not only provides the opportunity for young people to develop work skills, but it also helps keep them out of harm’s way during the summer months when crime tends to spike. We have to do everything in our power to keep our youth safe.”

“The Summer Youth Employment Program is dear to my heart: My own summer internships from ages 17 to 23 exposed me to public service for the first time,” said New York State Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar. “I worked at a nonprofit to help domestic violence survivors, for a U.S. Senate campaign, and at a human rights organization. These experiences helped me grow into your New York State Assemblywoman today. That is why as a state legislator, I participate in the SYEP program, offering places in my office for youth. By expanding SYEP, the mayor is putting young people on the track for success in life. The program gives at-risk youth the tools they need to become leaders and to live a life of purpose. I applaud the mayor’s historic investment in SYEP, which opens up a world of opportunity and possibility for our young people.”

“Throughout my career I’ve pushed for the expansion of the Summer Youth Employment Program, a critical investment in our young people and one that is about so much more than a paycheck,” said New York City Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams. “Data shows that the number one way to cut violent crime arrests among young people is a job, and I’m glad that Mayor Adams has made this program such a foundational part of combating gun violence at its root and uplifting young people and their communities. I hope to continue working with the mayor to expand youth employment opportunities, and the skills and experiences that come with them, to anyone who wants one.”

“Investment into our communities starts with investing in our youth,” said Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson. “This expansion of the SYEP program demonstrates a real commitment from Mayor Adams and his administration to ensuring our youth not only are employed during the summer but also have access to resources and opportunities that will prepare them for the future. SYEP has a proven track record of empowering our youth by decreasing their likelihood of being justice-involved by providing them with hands-on job experience. I supported this initiative in the City Council, and I am proud to continue my support for this important program as Bronx borough president. Thank you to Mayor Adams, Commissioner Chong, and Executive Director Fischer for their support of our young adults.”

“I’m thrilled for the additional 30,000 teens and young adults who will have meaningful and paid work opportunities this summer through SYEP, as we look to put the pandemic behind us,” said Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine. “SYEP is an essential tool for youth engagement, workforce development, and addressing the root causes of violence.”

“Creating productive, safe, enriching activities for our youth is necessary to keep them busy, out of trouble, and working towards bigger goals over the summer,” said Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso. “Summer youth employment opportunities also help expose our youth to professional experiences that could help them stand apart from other college applicants or expose them to potential career decisions  both valuable to their growth. Thank you, Mayor Adams, for your support of our youth.”

“Creating opportunities for our youth to succeed is the best way to directly serve our communities and invest in our families. With this record amount of summer youth jobs available, we can start to make a real difference in our young neighbors’ lives and their families,” said Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr. “Our young people in Queens and across New York City need these life-changing resources now more than ever, and I encourage them to take full advantage of this great program once applications open.”

“This historic investment in our city’s youth will make a tremendous difference for young people, their families, and communities across New York City,” said New York City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams. “The Summer Youth Employment Program provides participants with life-changing opportunities to gain valuable work experiences, develop new skills, and receive stipends that are often the first paycheck. Expanding SYEP and other employment opportunities for young people will strengthen communities and advance public safety. It can also support small businesses and provide a much-needed boost to our city’s families. I applaud Mayor Adams for this commitment in his Preliminary Budget and look forward to working with my colleagues in the Council and other stakeholders to ensure that we continue to make strong investments in our city’s communities by the end of the budget process.”

“It is truly amazing that the Summer Youth Employment Program will offer record number of job opportunities for youth ages 14-24.  This endeavor will further connect to opportunities that will not only provide work-based experiences but valued life skills that will allow them to explore a diverse interest,” said New York City Council Deputy Speaker Diana Ayala. “These experiences, in many cases, will lead to potential career paths. SYEP has been instrumental to the social and emotional development of its participants and has enriched the lives of many, including my own as I was a participant of the program.  I thank Mayor Eric Adams for moving toward expanding this program and investment, which has been extremely instrumental in the lives of our youth.”

“I am thrilled to work with the mayor to invest in a groundbreaking number of life-changing jobs for young New Yorkers,” said New York City Councilmember Shaun Abreu. “This unparalleled program will give a new record of young people access to economic opportunities and mentorship, setting them up for a lifetime of success. New Yorkers in SYEP are more likely to remain employed and less likely to end up incarcerated. This strategic investment is critical as we continue to confront crime and poverty in our city.”

“The youth of our city deserve a chance to be a part of a program that gives them purpose, direction and guidance,” said New York City Councilmember Joann Ariola. “I believe the expansion of the Summer Youth Employment Program is an excellent way to achieve that goal.”

“The Summer Youth Employment Program provided me my very first employment experience,” said New York City Councilmember Alexa Avilés. I will never forget that very first paycheck and the feeling of accomplishment it brought. As a parent, community advocate and the former chair of the New York City Youth Board, I applaud the mayor’s record investment into our youth and young adults. They are undoubtedly our city’s greatest asset and exactly where we should be unapologetically investing in.”

“A summer job can be a transformational experience for many, putting them on the right path towards success,” said New York City Councilmember Justin Brannan. “Thanks to Mayor Adams, New York City will be able to give this opportunity to more young people than ever before. Soon the youth of today will be running this city so it’s a win-win for each individual and for the city as a whole to be making this kind of investment.”

“Typically, each year during budget negotiations, elected officials and advocates must rally to push for a fully funded SYEP program, but this year is different,” said New York City Councilmember Gale Brewer. “I commend Mayor Adams for his commitment to providing 100,000 job opportunities through SYEP and other City programs, ahead of negotiations, making it clear that NYC’s young people aren’t a chip on a bargaining table. This historic investment will ensure that thousands of talented teenagers receive support to reach their potential.”

“I am thrilled that Mayor Adams is putting forward a nearly $80 million investment into the Summer Youth Employment Program,” said New York City Councilmember Shahana Hanif. “SYEP is a critical city program that will help nearly 100,000 of our city’s youth find meaningful work this summer. For weeks, we’ve talked about how we can keep our city safe, and our young people out of danger, and this historic investment is how we do it. SYEP is more than just a summer job; it’s a positive outlet for teens to learn skills, make friends, and improve their community. These are the kinds of investments that make our communities stronger and our streets safer. I look forward to working with the mayor to expand this program so it be can truly universal with a seat for every student who applies.”

“More than ever, it’s critical to give our city’s youth opportunities to work and learn this summer,” said New York City Councilmember Robert Holden. “Staying off the streets while learning valuable skills and interests will benefit them greatly and lead them to a brighter future, while helping make the city safer. This expansion is a smart investment by the mayor.”

“I am very excited about this historic investment and Mayor Eric Adams’s announcement of 90,000 job opportunities in New York City this year,” said New York City Councilmember Ari Kagan. “Our youth is the future, and they need this! Thanks to the Summer Youth Employment Program, my two children worked through summer break throughout their school years. In order to keep our city and youth as safe as possible, we need to connect the youth to job opportunities with positive long-term outcomes on their futures and their family’s futures. During these difficult times, a household can count on SYEP to offer relief knowing their child is developing some financial independence.”

“The physical, mental, and economic burden placed on our city’s youth during the pandemic has been nothing short of tremendous, which is why I fully support the mayor’s expansion of the Summer Youth Employment Program to a record size this summer,” said New York City Councilmember Shekar Krishnan. “90,000 participating New York City children will benefit not just this summer but also for the rest of their lives from this experience.”

“Youth summer employment is a great opportunity for young New Yorkers to obtain life-changing work experience in the private, nonprofit, and public sectors,” said New York City Councilmember Julie Menin. “Expanding the number of participants is a chance for underprivileged youth to look into future career options. Paid summer jobs are a critical part of New York City’s recovery process and increasing the number of employment opportunities will help bring stability back to our city.”

“During these uncertain times for so many, we certainly welcome good news in our city, and today, Mayor Adams provided us with great news with his announcement that New York City will support a record 100,000 job opportunities for kids ages 14-24,” said New York City Councilmember Mercedes Narcisse. “I am delighted to see that we are investing in the advancement of our youth by offering them this opportunity to succeed. Vital programs such as SYEP have been proven to foster educational and professional development and help place kids on the road to success.”

“This impressive expansion of Summer Youth Employment Opportunities is exciting for a few reasons,” said New York City Councilmember Chi Osse. “The program has always been a striking success, limited only by its size. The impact of each dollar spent on this program will be immense. It will change lives and pay for itself in benefit to our city.”

“Our youth crave opportunity and the chance to reach their full potential,” said New York City Councilmember Kevin C. Riley. “The Summer Youth Employment Program provides them with those endless possibilities and helps them discover their career interests. The commitment to secure 100,000 jobs in youth employment is key to uplifting them and creating change within our communities. As a young man whose first job started through SYEP, and by giving 11 students the chance to intern with my office in Summer 2021, I believe these programs aid in putting students on the right path and keeping them engaged. The best way to protect our youth is by equipping them with the skills important to their success.”

“The value of the Summer Youth Employment Program cannot be overstated,” said New York City Councilmember Carlina Rivera. “SYEP is an economic lifeline for low-income youth and their families in New York City, and I know from personal experience what a tremendous source of pride and opportunity the program provides. I applaud Mayor Adams on this unprecedented yet necessary investment in the future of our city.”

“Producing accessible employment for young people around New York is essential to the sustainability of the future of our city,” said New York City Councilmember Althea Stevens. “It’s our responsibility to ensure we are working collaboratively with the proper channels to ensure this is carried out to its full capacity. SYEP is not only about accessible employment, but we will also be giving young people the platform to develop professionally, while acquiring vast knowledge that will ensure their future.”

“The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) programming allows youth to develop skills and relevant work experience needed for future employment,” said New York City Councilmember Nantasha Williams. “While young people are engaged in this program, they also learn financial independence and provide supplemental income to their families. As a former SYEP employee and field supervisor, I am thankful for the SYEP experience and commend Mayor Adams for making this important investment in our youth.”

“Mayor Adams is correctly focused on maximizing summer work experience for young people who have been largely denied this opportunity during the pandemic,” said Kathryn Wylde, president and CEO, Partnership for New York City. “We intend to help the mayor provide a meaningful experience for as many youth as possible this year.”

“The Summer Youth Employment Program is a keyway to set young New Yorkers up for success,” said Susan Stamler, executive director, United Neighborhood Houses. “UNH and our settlement house members have advocated for expansions to SYEP for the past two decades out of a recognition that a summer job is more than simply a paycheck. SYEP gives young people the chance to explore their interests, gain critical work skills, and expand their network. We applaud Mayor Adams for committing to serving 100,000 youth this summer. Settlement houses are ready to once again make this a meaningful summer for young people.”

“We’re excited to see the mayor championing paid work experience as a key component of every young person’s educational trajectory,” said Abby Jo Sigal, founding CEO, HERE to HERE. “The city’s future is dependent on New York City young people launching successfully into family-sustaining careers. Expanding SYEP will not only provide more students with valuable skills and insights that will inform their career pathways, but also helps develop a robust talent pipeline critical for local businesses and for a thriving, inclusive economy.”

“Maimonides Medical Center is delighted to extend and grow its partnership with the City of New York spanning over 25 years, through which thousands of youth have gained experience in the field of healthcare,” said Kenneth Gibbs, president and CEO, Maimonides Medical Center. “As Brooklyn’s largest hospital, we are very proud of the work that our SYEP participants do each year and of the significant impact that they make on the communities we serve. What could be better than helping our youth to realize their potential in having meaningful work lives.”

Summer youth employment programs have a proven track-record of reducing criminal justice contact, keeping youth out of prison, and saving lives,” said Judd B. Kessler, Howard Marks associate professor, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. “The research says they are worthy of expansion, and it is great to see Mayor Adams and this administration use academic research to guide important public policy decisions. I look forward to seeing the growth of the New York City Summer Youth Employment Program and the beneficial impacts it has for our city’s youth.”

“Youth employment programs are immeasurably valuable because they not only support working families, but they allow our future leaders to get their feet in the door in professional settings they wouldn’t otherwise have available to them,” said Danielle Ellman, CEO, Commonpoint Queens. “I started my professional journey as a 14-year-old summer camp counselor thanks to the Summer Youth Employment Program, and this program helped me get to where I am today. I know firsthand how hard it is to find meaningful things to do in the summer, this will create countless opportunities for the youth of NYC.”

“As an organization that is committed to the advancement of our youth through SYEP, we are so fortunate to see the amount of tenacity and grit our young people have,” said Julissa Figueroa Peña, youth workforce program director, Children’s Arts & Science Workshops Inc.. “SYEP is needed in NYC more than ever! Disconnected from communities, family, friends, and extracurricular activities as a result of the pandemic youth have been left vulnerable to increased violence and lack of opportunities in the city. SYEP is a critical tool in closing these gaps for our young people. It offers opportunities to keep youth engaged during the summer while gaining invaluable experience through career exposure, word readiness activities, socializing with both their peers and supportive adults while earning money to help their families and learning important financial literacy skills. It works for all of us!”

“We are excited that the mayor has chosen this investment in our youth – the future leaders of our city,” said Phoebe Boyer, president and CEO, of Children’s Aid. “SYEP offers youth opportunities to develop their talents, determine their goals, and establish strong relationships. For many youth in the neighborhoods Children’s Aid serves, this is their only opportunity to gain access to workforce experience and exposure to a network of professionals. I applaud the mayor for this investment and we look forward to supporting it over the summer.”

“Young people in our communities need summer jobs,” said Lowell Herschberger, director of career and education programs, Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation. “Investing in the future by giving them meaningful work experiences is one of the best ways I can think of to build back our communities. In SYEP, youth establish relationships and learn skills to build on for a lifetime.”

“The Chinese-American Planning Council commends Mayor Adams for expanding the Summer Youth Employment Program to provide 100,000 job opportunities for young people ages 14-24,” said Wayne Ho, president and CEO of, Chinese-American Planning Council. “We are particularly delighted that the mayor’s office will focus on young people from underserved communities. Given the rise in anti-Asian hate and the economic struggles of Asian American families due to the pandemic, we look forward to working with the Department of Youth and Community Development to ensure that diverse youth populations are meaningfully included in this expansion.”

“The Summer Youth Employment Program is a critical engagement, connecting our city’s youth to opportunities and experiences through our local employers,” said Angela Pinsky, head of government affairs and public policy, Google. “We’re proud to participate in SYEP, and we are thrilled to see Mayor Adams’ administration doubling down on such an important and impactful program.”

“ExpandED salutes Mayor Adams for his decision to expand SYEP and other work-based learning so young people can showcase their talents and hone their skills in a wide variety of fields,” said Saskia Traill, president and CEO, ExpandED Schools. “We stand ready to support youth development nonprofits, schools, employers, and city agencies to ensure the success of this critical and timely investment in our City’s greatest asset—our young people.”

“Mayor Adams’ expansion of access to learning-based and interest-centered employment for NYC youth is a victory for economic and educational equity,” said Brian Cohen, executive director, Beam Center. “We applaud the Mayor’s move to give more city institutions and businesses the opportunity to share in young New Yorkers’ knowledge, energy, and capabilities.”

“The expansion of the Summer Youth Employment Program is an important and much-needed investment in New York City’s youth and the workforce of tomorrow,” said Sharon Greenberger, president and CEO, YMCA of Greater New York. “Because of Mayor Adams’ bold leadership, thousands more teens will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience and 21st-century workforce skills. The YMCA looks forward to working closely over the next few weeks with the City and private sector employers to support the creation of life-changing experiences for our young people.”

“With this announcement, Mayor Adams is offering tens of thousands of young New Yorkers invaluable exposure to high-growth jobs of the future,” said Jason Myles, executive director, Tech:NYC. “Tech:NYC has long supported SYEP, not only for its ability to help spread opportunity equally to young people across the city, but also because the perspective, creativity, and drive these kids bring to the table is a huge boost for our member companies who are lucky enough to work with them. We look forward to working with the Adams administration to support this program at every step.”

“The city’s tech sector is growing faster than any other industry, creating more and more opportunities for New Yorkers to land a job in a high-paying field or launch an exciting startup of their own,” said Fred Wilson, partner, Union Square Ventures. “New York’s Summer Youth Employment Program — the largest initiative of its kind in the country — offers an unmatched opportunity for young people to experience the tech industry first hand at an early age, helping to start their career path off on the right foot. I applaud the Adams administration for continuing to grow this essential initiative.”

“As New York City high school students, we believe work-based learning is essential for understanding possible career options, building the experience employers are looking for, and unlocking the potential inside each of us,” said La’Toya Beecham, Teens Take Charge. “Today’s announcement from the Adams administration is an important step in bringing us one step closer toward the goal of delivering high-quality, paid work experiences that help all young New Yorkers thrive.”

“This commitment from the Adams administration underscores the notion that the youth of this City are the future of this City,” said Kai-Lin Kwek-Rupp, Teens Take Charge. “The 100,000 youth summer jobs that will be created are an investment in the vast reserves of energy and creativity of young New Yorkers. We look forward to seeing how the Mayor will directly engage young people in shaping its design and implementation.”

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