Hey Friend,
I hope you are well and strong. I’m sending this thank you to everyone that jumped on the Artists and Art Lovers call last week. It was great to see you and hear from you. My apologies to anyone who could not get on due to a password request or anything else.
We’ll do a second check-in next week.
If you’d like to join us, you have everything you need to join us in the flyer above. The check-in is April 17th at 8:30 p.m.
The next HangNight™️ will be virtual, and take place Friday, April 24th, 7:45 until. Given the different formats, we are requesting you advise in advance of your interest in sharing your art or performance.
Simply reply to this email with HangNight™ Artist in the subject line.
I’ll be conducting some live interviews with artist and art administrators and other creators in this community and streaming on social media. If you have an idea or resource you’d like to share reply to this email with Interview in the subject line.
As NY state is reporting a flattening of the COVID-19 curve, please continue to do what you can to stay safe and inside.
You’ll find some additional resources below to help you do this and strengthen your S.O.S. In case you forgot, S.O.S., stands for the solid foundation of self-care (mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, financial health and physical health) that I encourage every artist to strive for.
My heart goes out to anyone suffering and deepest condolences to anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one or anyone or anything dear to you.
Much love,
Saundra Alexis Heath
Heath Gallery
Join us
Heath Gallery, 24 West 120th Street, New York, New York 10027Heath Gallery New York, HangNight™, Inspire-A-Thon™
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