On Thursday, May 17th, we asked Harlemites on 125th Street about the presidents support of Gay Marriage. We asked eight 20 and 30 somethings, “should gay marriage be legal?”
“…it endorses legalization here in NY City, it extends the part of history that we’ve made for gay people here like myself….
the presidents endorsement supports the fact that it’s not about man and man, its about rights as human beings, aside from love, but everything that comes with it, like responsibilities, our finances, making decisions for our love ones when they are about pass….(It’s a) right step and his (President Obama) voice was heard and I am very happy about it…”- Name withheld
“…I love the (gay) community, they are people just like us, the should have the rights to marriage, they should have rights just like anybody else… If they love each other,…they should have the freedom too.” – Carolyn
“… everybody should have a chance to spend their life with somebody and marriage… This is a country of freedom… You can’t stop people from being together because you’re scared of the population. You have to compromise…. That is what we got the legal system for.” – Jevon
“There is nothing wrong with gay marriage. I think everybody should do what they like. If they feel comfortable being with the same sex then that is on them. Nobody should judge them because that is their life and you’re not living it so why interfere in it? If you don”t want your children to grow up like that then it’s on you. You teach them right from wrong and you are suppose to be supportive. People have their opinions and they do what they choose. It’s America’s freedom of speech.” – Tori
” I’m okay with gay marriage. I think it’s a good and bad thing because it’s coming from President Obama. I feel like it’s something that a lot of people is okay with at this point. I think a lot of men will have problems with it.” – Zindsay
“Honestly, I think it’s something long over due. It should qualify for all people. If we’re thinking about it politically, President Obama strategy might hurt or help him. It all depends on how the country views it. You love who you love, man or woman.” – Ashley
“For Obama it’s a bad move, because most Americans that go by the bible. I personally don’t have a problem with it, I mean people are people.” – Randy
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