How To Make Your House A Home

April 1, 2022

A home isn’t the structure you live in, it’s the warm and welcoming environment you create within that structure. It’s the place that’s your safe haven from everything in the world that brings you stress. A place where you can be completely comfortable being exactly who you are without explanations, judgments or justifications.

Finding the Perfect House

Before you can make a house into a home, sometimes you have to find the right house. House hunting and moving can be stressful, whether it’s across town or across the country. One of the best things you can do is find a real estate expert in the area you’re looking in. So if, for example, you are considering a home in Southern California, first look for a Realtor who can help you find houses for sale in Calabasas or Oxnard or any of the many beautiful cities and towns in SoCal. You’ll want to look for a home that fits your current needs and any changes you have planned in the near future. If you have children, you’ll want to look into the local schools. If you’re a senior you might want to be close to medical professionals. If you just took a new job, consider the commute time. 

Once you have the house, now you can make it into a home.


The way you decorate your home says a lot about your personal style and taste. Although having your home styled to look attractive is nice, don’t forget to make it comfortable; after all this is the most important place for you to be comfortable. Make sure you don’t just shop for furniture in catalogs. Go to the stores and sit on the chairs and sofas. Some people prefer a firmer seating area, while others a softer one; pick which feels best to you. 

Don’t try to make your new home look like something out of a decorating magazine. Choose furniture, colors and textures that are an extension of your personality. Think about the space you have and what exactly you will be using it for. Do you plan on having several people over at the same time? If so, you’ll probably want to have more seating available than just a sofa and chair. 

Display the things that mean something to you. Whether it’s a favorite piece of art,  quirky collection of vases or anything that you love. Decorating with items that either have sentimental value, are pleasing to you or any combination of both, will help your home to reflect some of the things that are uniquely you. 


Implement a few routines that respect your home for the safe haven it is. Leave your shoes, and the outside world, at your door. By kicking off your shoes before you enter your home, not only do you symbolically leave everywhere your feet tread during the day from coming in, you’re also leaving out tracked in dirt and grime. Not only will you be able to appreciate the softness of your carpeting or floor coverings, you’ll keep them cleaner longer.

Consider making a corner of your home a sacred place that you go to just to chill out and be alone with your thoughts. This would be the perfect place to meditate, read a book or jot thoughts down in a journal. Whatever it is you’d enjoy doing that is just for you. Make it a habit to spend 10-15 minutes there every day.  Happy and healthy routine seeking refuge in your own special place. 

Make it a habit to put things away when you are finished with them. Instead of letting things gather out of place and turn into an all-day project to rid clutter. You may be surprised how taking a minute here and there to keep things where they belong will save your future self a lot of time. Some experts say another good rule of thumb is to use a 1-minute rule; if there is a chore to be done that will take you a minute or less, do it now instead of later. 

Your home is a reflection of who you are. Don’t be afraid to make it your own and enjoy the time you spend in it. 

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