In the physical world, customer engagement was all about service with a smile, and all the customer service skills that previous generations honed in order for customers to feel valued and comfortable. But in the digital world, there are no smiles, and there’s a distinct lack of human touch to help encourage your customers to value your brand, As such, this article is directed at digital-only businesses, helping you to find ways in which to engage and interact with your customers in the online space in order to encourage repeat custom and boost your revenue.
Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing—and yet it’s still seen as one of the most valuable. If you have a customer’s email address and first name, you’re able to send them a piece of marketing content each month that addresses them by their name, and shows them the sort of products and services that they may be interested in. This is about politely engaging with customers through their email account, and through the written word. The personal address makes them feel valued—and the news you share should be useful and exciting for customers to consume.
Deals and Offers
Another element that you can add to your email marketing campaigns—but also to all of your digital marketing to your existing customers—are deals and offers. For instance, if you have 5,000 followers on Instagram, you can share a post with them encouraging them to enter a coupon offer into the checkout of your e-commerce site in order to take advantage of a loyalty discount. These discounts make your customers feel special, and validate their decision to follow you on social media in the first place. They work for you, too, because you’ll have a short-term boost in sales and profits when offering coupons and deals.
Use Chatbots
One of the most novel forms of customer engagement on the internet is the chatbot—an automated service that answers questions and engages with your consumers and customers on your website. This is a handy tool to help you grab the attention of web users who are browsing your website. It also helps them feel attended to and, if they’re feeling like asking a question, it can help them feel comfortable making an enquiry. Get a chatbot set up through Shopify marketing experts in order to leverage this resource to drive business on your website.
Polls and Comments
Social media gained its name because the experience of using this media is not passive: you’re actively able to comment, like, subscribe, or unfollow as and when you see fit. This engagement is what made websites such as Facebook so popular. Meanwhile, if your website offers some of these features, your customers may feel more comfortable sharing their insights with you; and getting a conversation started on your social media platforms, or within your website itself. Offer this two-way communication channel online in order to give your customers a chance to offer feedback on your customer service and your business as a whole.
There you have it: four easy ways to boost your customer engagement when you’re selling solely in the online space.
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