Consumers Still Have Time To Complete The 2020 U.S. Census

April 6, 2020

Although the original deadline to respond to the 2020 U.S. Census passed on Wednesday, consumers still have time to submit their answers to the mandatory questionnaire.

With the coronavirus outbreak bearing down on the nation, the government has extended the deadline for completing the form and is strongly encouraging consumers to respond online via the Census Bureau’s website, by phone, or by mail.

Completing the 12-question form now “will minimize the need for the Census Bureau to send census takers out into communities to follow up,” the Bureau notes. The self-response period of the census has been extended from July 31 to August 14 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Determines federal funding

Consumers are legally required to provide a tally of how many people reside in their household, regardless of their citizenship. Filling out the census helps shape a person’s impact on the government as a whole, as well as their community. Responses determine how many seats each state gets in the House of Representatives, how much federal funding will be given to your community, and more.

For When We All Vote, a nonprofit civic engagement group launched in 2018 by Michelle Obama, released a video on Wednesday featuring famous faces encouraging people to participate in the census reports Consumer Affairs.

“We can all take care of our communities – from the comfort of our couches!” said Tom Hanks, “Participate in the 2020 Census online, over the phone or by mail. These few minutes will make a difference and impact our democracy for years to come. Come on, everyone! Let’s do it!”

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