Attention, NYPD Summer Youth Police Academy From Harlem To Hollis

April 4, 2019

The NYPD Summer Youth Police Academy is one of several innovative, effective programs that the Department provides for young people in New York City. The program gives young individuals between the ages of 10 and 15 the opportunity to train with police officers during the summer, leading to positive relationships between the Police Department and the city’s youth.

Participants attend the Youth Police Academy in the borough of their residence, five days a week for six weeks, from 8:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Police Officers conduct classes that include lectures, role-plays, and demonstrations in the areas of law, behavioral science, drug prevention and gang resistance. The program also provides participants with lunch, uniform shirts, and field trips. Students engage in military drills like those done in the Police Academy and go on field trips to police facilities. Transportation is provided for the field trips although the sites are accessible by public transportation.

The Summer Youth Academy:

  • Enhances responsible citizenship.
  • Provides positive interaction with police officers and educates young people about the challenges and responsibility of police work.
  • Encourages young people to take part in other youth programs offered by the Police Department such as: the Law Enforcement Explorers, Police Cadet Corps and the Police Athletic League.
For additional information, please call the Community Affairs Bureau’s Youth Strategies Division at 718-312-5079.
Apply for the 2019 Youth Police Academy. The application is a fillable pdf form. Please complete the application on your computer, save the form, and email it to

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