Artists In Prison Become Creatives As They Are Escaping Time In Exhibit On Governors Island

September 9, 2021

Beginning August 28th and every Saturday and Sunday thereafter through October 31, 2021, Governors Island is hosting an exhibit and sale of original art created by currently and formerly incarcerated persons.

Artists hail from prisons throughout the United States, are all self-taught, and use whatever materials are available to them, from old bedsheets and toothpaste to traditional canvas and oils.

The sponsor of the exhibit is Escaping Time,, a New York-based non-profit which has collected, exhibited and sold prison artworks since 2014.

Works are both two and three-dimensional, as well as fabric works quilted by a woman formerly incarcerated at NYS Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. Proceeds of all sales are returned (50%) to the originating artist or his/her designee.

The mission of Escaping Time, as stated on its website, is:

“Through art, we work to change the narrative and break the stereotype of what society imagines when thinking about the incarcerated. The art serves as a reminder that the men and women in prison are more than their charges.

Visitors to our exhibitions come away with a more nuanced view of the criminal justice system and the need for society to have a vested interest in programs to better prepare prisoners to successfully reenter society.”

Admission to Escaping Time on Governors Island is free.

Facemasks and proof of vaccination are required.

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