Adams Pledges To Make NYC The Top Women-Forward City In The U.S.

January 25, 2024

NYC Mayor Eric Adams today unveiled, “Women Forward NYC: An Action Plan for Gender Equity,” a more than $43 million investment aimed at making NYC a national leader on gender equity.

Including for transgender and gender expansive New Yorkers, with the ambitious goal of becoming the most women-forward city in the United States. Supported through city dollars, private and public partnerships, academic institutions, and federal grant funding, the action plan addresses gender disparities by connecting women to professional development and higher-paying jobs; dismantling barriers to sexual, reproductive, and chronic health care; reducing gender-based violence against women; and providing holistic housing services, including for formerly incarcerated women and domestic and gender-based violence survivors. New Yorkers can now visit the re-launched, a one-stop shop website, to learn more about the action plan and access city services to support women and families. Announced yesterday, as part of Mayor Adams’ State of the City address, the action plan builds on the Adams administration’s record of investments and policies that uplift and support women across New York City.

“As a child, my mother worked three jobs just to make ends meet, and for too long, women like her have been left behind, failed by systems that pay women less than their counterparts, overlook and even dimmish their health needs, and neglect their safety,” said Mayor Adams. “This plan builds on our administration’s existing efforts by creating a clear path to holistically and comprehensively address the inequities women face today. New York City leads the nation in many ways — now, it’s time we lead on gender equity and take the steps to make this the most women-forward city in America.”

Women across the country are still facing systemic, gender-based inequities. In New York State, women continue to be paid 86 cents for every dollar a man is paid — 64 cents for Black women and 57 cents for Hispanic women.​ During the COVID-19 pandemic, almost 250,000 mothers left or downshifted their jobs in New York City due to lack of access to quality child care. Black women are four times more likely to die during childbirth than white women.​ Finally, 75 percent of women in New York City reported being harassed during their daily commutes in 2018.​

Women Forward NYC employs a holistic approach to address immediate needs, tackle long-standing disparities, and position New York City as a national leader for advancing women’s issues. The action plan encompasses new and ongoing investments dedicated to supporting gender equity totaling over $43 million between city funding, private funding, academic institutions, and federal grants — representing a successful model for public-private partnerships to address equity across the five boroughs.

“The strong leadership from women in the Adams administration is responsible for creating and enacting policies that move our entire city forward,” said First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. “Today’s announcement is an example of just that — sharing the vision of a city that embraces equity, from economic mobility to women’s health to public safety, and action items that relate to improving our everyday lives. This plan is the result of my fellow deputy mayors who have brought their decades of both professional expertise and personal experience to put forth programs that will move our entire city forward.”

“Mayor Adams — and the exceptional team of women leaders I’m proud to work alongside every day — knows that when New York City’s women succeed, our city succeeds,” said Chief of Staff Camille Joseph Varlack. “This $40+ million action plan will help make this city a better, safer place for women to work and live.”

“In New York City, we stand up for women and girls in every place and in every space, from our infants and moms to our older adults,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Anne Williams-Isom. “With ‘Women Forward NYC,’ we are investing in every stage of the life course, including maternal and child health, workforce issues, mental health, and equity, among so many others. We are also showing that New York City stands with every woman through life’s challenges: while in shelter, experiencing postpartum depression, dealing with domestic or gender-based violence, or being formerly incarcerated. Ultimately, we are working to make New York City the most supportive city in the world, a place where every mom, grandmother, daughter, sister, and woman, young or older, can thrive.” 

“I am proud to be in an administration where not only do women have a seat at the table, but are empowered to speak up and make a difference,” said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Initiatives Ana J. Almanzar. “New York City leads in so many ways, but today’s announcement is an opportunity to model for the entire country what true gender equity can — and should — look like. For the women in our city, this action plan is for you: to help you access your endless potential, remove any and all barriers in front of you, and continue to shatter every glass ceiling.” 

“Women are undoubtedly the backbones of their households and their communities, but too many disparities in economic, health, safety, and housing outcomes still exist,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “I am excited to see New York City lead the effort — in partnership with community-based organizations, businesses, philanthropy, academia, and other levels of government — to tackle these gender and racial disparities head on so all women in the five boroughs can reach their full potential.”

“This administration puts strong women at the center. Women are doing the work and it shows,” said Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi. “We are committed to making life easier and the future better for female-identifying people in New York City. The ‘Women Forward NYC’ action plan is a significant step in the right direction.”

While the action plan makes investments in a wide-range of areas, it has three key focuses, with a special emphasis on supporting historically marginalized populations:

Economic Mobility

The action plan will build pipelines toward higher-wage, in-demand career pathways, improve financial literacy and access to financial resources, and dismantle barriers to work and education by:

  • Providing funding to the Girl Scouts of Greater New York Troop 6000, made up of young girls in New York City Department of Homeless Services’ (DHS) shelters, through a first-of-its-kind program designed to provide age-appropriate financial literacy training and $10.00 to each young girl to start bank accounts;
  • Expanding career opportunity programs for New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) residents to start their own food or child care business; and 
  • Starting career and college prep for young women, specifically women of color, through the expansion of NYC Service’s mentoring initiatives.

Women’s Health

By addressing inequities in sexual, chronic, and reproductive health; taking action to reduce Black and Brown maternal mortality rates; providing additional access to comprehensive medical treatment; and enhancing mental health education and outreach, the plan will:

Public Safety and Housing Stability

To increase initiatives that reduce violence toward women, particularly LGBTQ+ women, nonbinary New Yorkers, and women of color; expand interventions to prevent domestic and gender-based violence and support survivors; and provide a continuum of services for low-income families to keep them in their homes or accelerate their leave from shelter and back into their communities, the action plan will:

  • Support domestic violence survivors, including by expanding the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender Based Violence’s (ENDGBV) Home+ program, which provides personal security devices and resources to keep survivors safe in their homes;
  • Restart the Girl Talk mentorship program between female New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers and teenage girls to serve thousands annually; and 
  • Provide funding to support services and housing assistance targeted directly to formerly incarcerated women.

Finally, the Adams administration will lead the way, incorporating more women-focused programming, planning, and partnerships to better serve and support women in the workforce across the city.

“There cannot be a health agenda for New York City that doesn’t prioritize women’s health,” said DOHMH Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan. “When we center health, educational and economic opportunity for women, we are doing what’s right and what’s just, while also standing up for the health of our children, families, and our communities. Women’s health is essential to create a healthier and fairer city for all. We are proud to be a part of this work and energized to make even more progress in the years ahead.”

“We know that domestic violence and gender-based discrimination are primary drivers of homelessness for women and gender non-conforming New Yorkers, and the lack of financial independence puts these already vulnerable communities at greater risk of losing their housing,” said Department of Social Services Commissioner Molly Wasow Park. “Which is why, at the Department of Social Services, we are constantly working to strengthen equity and dedicated supports for marginalized communities who face tremendous barriers to obtaining long-term housing stability. With the Women Forward NYC action plan, this administration is implementing a visionary plan to get at the very root of these crises by empowering our most vulnerable New Yorkers while ensuring a more secure tomorrow for our future generations.”

“As educators and leaders, it is our responsibility to ensure the city our students’ education is increasingly equitable for all,” said Department of Education Chancellor David C. Banks. “Menstrual equity is gender equity, and ensuring that period products are free, easily accessible in schools, and available to all students who menstruate is essential in creating a safe and comfortable learning environment. I’m proud of my city partners for the work being done to prioritize gender equity for the health of our city and the betterment of all New Yorkers.”

“Women Forward NYC is a huge leap forward in this administration’s mission to empower women across New York City,” said Department of Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Kevin D. Kim. “SBS is proud to further this mission by connecting women entrepreneurs from all five boroughs to the resources and mentorships they need to find success through our WE NYC initiative and M/WBE certification program. I’m excited to see how this historic investment will build on that important work. The success of our women-owned businesses is integral to building the City of Yes.”

“All New Yorkers should feel confident and inspired to cycle in New York City. That’s why we are thrilled to launch a campaign focused on encouraging cycling by women, transgender and gender expansive New Yorkers, through marketing, skills training, and events to build community through cycling,” said New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. “Inspiring more New Yorkers to bike helps promote a healthful, environmentally friendly, and efficient travel option—​not to mention that it’s often the fastest way to get around our city.”

“It is fantastic to see the Adams administration’s focus on making New York City the most women-forward city by ensuring that women have access to vital resources, including workforce initiatives targeted at closing the gaps in gender equity and ensuring equal access to economic opportunities,” said New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) President & CEO Andrew Kimball. “Women are a driving force in our economy, and it is essential that all women feel safe and empowered. The women of New York help contribute to a vibrant, inclusive, and globally competitive economy, and today marks a huge victory towards investing in their futures.”

“I know firsthand the value of programs that uplift women. While raising seven children, my single mom received training that led to a bachelor’s degree and a nursing career, so she could put food on the table,” said New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) Commissioner Keith Howard. “Through the Summer Youth Employment Program and year-round programming, DYCD will collaborate with REBNY, Con Edison, and the Intrepid Museum to provide opportunities in industries where girls and women have been historically underrepresented—from real estate and engineering to aviation and aerospace. We also look forward to supporting NYC Service in offering career mentorship, as we build on Mayor Adams’ investment in the women of New York City through this landmark initiative.”

“With this plan, Mayor Adams is building on the administration’s commitment to addressing gender disparities and supporting women in New York City,” said New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYC Parks) Commissioner Sue Donoghue. “Advancing gender equity means setting an example for a fair future and creating resources that improve equity and access in the workforce. This action plan will make New York City a beacon for women’s advancement and will further our work at NYC Parks in providing an inclusive and supportive environment for women in our parks system.”

“As a woman and mother, I know firsthand the challenges that women in this country face,” said Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Commissioner Vilda Vera Mayuga. “With this groundbreaking new investment, this administration is centering women, especially those who have been historically disadvantaged like immigrants and women of color and combating gender-based inequities.”

“The city’s support for women extends to our media and entertainment industries, where we strive to promote female voices that have historically been excluded,” said Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment Commissioner Pat Swinney Kaufman. “We are especially proud of the NYC Women’s Fund for Media, Music and Theatre, which has provided $4 million in grants during this administration with another round of recipients to receive an additional $1.3 million in 2024; as well as SoundThinking NYC, a free summer program focused on opening doors for young women in music. We look forward to supporting even more women in the creative industries with the launch of Women Forward NYC.”

“As seen in the women that make up the frontlines of our daily operations to our senior executive staff; our capital work alongside women-owned businesses across the five boroughs; and our resident-based, career and entrepreneurship initiatives to help develop primarily female-owned businesses, NYCHA places a great deal of emphasis on gender-based equity for staff and residents alike,” said NYCHA Chief Executive Officer Lisa Bova-Hiatt. “We thank the Adams administration for their ongoing efforts to make New York City the most equitable city in the country for all New Yorkers.”

“Mayor Adams has made it clear: New York City respects and protects all people who identify as women,” said New York City Commission on Human Rights Commissioner and Chair Annabel Palma. “As a city agency pro-actively working to close the gender pay gap, address bias based on gender and gender identity, and ensure New Yorkers can make sexual and reproductive health decisions free from discrimination, and advance workplace equity, we stand proud and ready to advance Women Forward NYC.”

“Women Forward NYC takes an integrated approach to the myriad of overarching and pressing challenges facing women-identifying New Yorkers, and is both a critical investment and essential strategy that ensures New York City continues to work for its residents,” said New York City Unity Project Acting Executive Director Ronald Porcelli.

“We cannot meaningfully achieve gender equity as long as women, transgender, and gender expansive New Yorkers continue to experience disproportionate rates of violence in and outside of the home,” said Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) Commissioner Cecile Noel. “Recognizing this fact, the Women Forward NYC agenda deepens the city’s investment in responses that meet the complex needs of survivors of domestic and gender-based violence, enhancing both interpersonal and public safety. We would like to thank all of our city agency collaborators for developing this initiative and we are grateful for the ongoing support of the Adams administration as we expand ENDGBV’s work to support survivors.”

“With the Adams’ administration investment in creating a more gender-equitable city, we are taking bold action to address disparities and advance economic mobility, health outcomes, public safety, and stable housing for girls, women, transgender, and gender expansive New Yorkers,” New York City Commission on Gender Equity (CGE) Chair Silda Palerm. “The five-borough approach will improve the lives of many families across all communities and make New York City stronger and a model for gender equity. I applaud the efforts of the administration to make the Women Forward NYC action plan a reality.”

“‘Women Forward NYC: An Action Plan to Address Gender Equity’ is a critical initiative,” said CGE Commissioner Taina Bien-Aimé. “Women and girls, especially of color, are facing significant challenges that require our immediate and collective responses, from the increase of maternal mortality to pay inequity to sex trafficking to gender-based violence and discrimination. The mayor’s more than $43 million action plan is an important step toward developing and implementing prevention, empowerment and educational programs, among other projects, which will invest in ensuring that all women and girls in New York City enjoy their rights to health, safety, economic security, and equality.”

“We must seize this critical moment to revolutionize reproductive health policy in New York City. Women Forward NYC is not just a plan, but a bold commitment to shattering the barriers to birth equity,” said CGE Commissioner Chanel L. Porchia-Albert. “The disproportionate pregnancy-related complications and maternal morbidity faced by Black women and birthing people are a glaring testament to our failure in making genuine investments in reproductive healthcare. This is our call to action: to foster a new era of transparency, accountability, and transformative policies that will fundamentally change the culture of care in our city. It’s time to turn the tide and ensure that every individual receives the care and respect they deserve.”

“A Better Balance applauds Mayor Adams’ commitment to women and girls and their ability to be successful and achieve economic security. His allocation of specific funding to this goal is a significant step forward for equity and improvement of women’s lives,” said CGE Commissioner and A Better Balance Co-Founder and Co- President Sherry Leiwant.

“As we celebrate this monumental investment, we also recognize the profound impact this will have on the lives of women across New York City—especially our women veterans, military families, and their caregivers,” said New York City Department of Veterans’ Services Commissioner James Hendon. “In addition to addressing gender disparities, this initiative holds the promise of recognizing and uplifting the experiences of women who have worn the uniform and those who support them. A women-forward New York City creates a future that empowers all New Yorkers.”

“In forging a brighter future, this action plan meticulously addresses gender disparities, channeling efforts to improve the operational landscape of city government to better support women-owned businesses,” said New York City School Construction Authority (SCA) President and CEO Nina Kubota. “Specifically, at the SCA, our mentor programs have assisted women business enterprises to compete and win contracts as part of our ongoing capital plan. This is a true testament to our unwavering commitment to empowering women entrepreneurs and fostering inclusive growth.”

“The launch of Women Forward NYC is an important step towards creating an empowered future for our entire city,” said Chief of External Affairs Meaghan Brown. “Through this investment of public, private and philanthropic dollars, the Adams administration, and our partners are creating opportunities, fostering more equal communities, and setting the next generation of young women in New York up for success. Together, we are shaping a future that empowers and uplifts the lives of New York City’s incredible women and girls.”

“Women have long been the foundation of our global society and contribute immensely to improving our world. Yet, women have continued to face challenges,” said Mayor’s Office of International Affairs Commissioner Edward Mermelstein. “I applaud Mayor Adams’ commitment to protecting women’s rights through the innovative policies and programs announced as part of Women Forward NYC. New York City is a global leader in women’s rights and gender equity, and my office looks forward to continuing to advance this work on behalf of our city around the world.”

“Women Forward NYC continues Mayor Adams’ commitment to providing resources for women and families,” said Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice Director Deanna Logan. “We are proud to play a role in the action plan, providing robust support that addresses the unique challenges of women who are criminal justice involved through comprehensive reentry services, which are pivotal to successful community reintegration and overall public safety, in addition to permanent housing, gainful employment, and resources that help facilitate smooth family reunification. “

“Women’s issues are older adult issues: economic opportunities, health, caregiving, and safety. Because women represent 57 percent of older adults in New York City, Women Forward NYC directly supports the mission of the Department for the Aging,” said Department for the Aging Commissioner Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez. “I applaud Mayor Adams for putting this important initiative forward to further advance his vision for an inclusive city for all, regardless of age and gender.”

“Women Forward NYC is the city’s robust plan to enhance safety and security for women and LGBTQ+ New Yorkers,” said Mayor’s Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes (OPHC) Executive Director Hassan Naveed. “Through city initiatives like P.A.T.H. Forward, OPHC empowers and includes vulnerable communities in collective efforts to build community safety that fights to end hate, bias and discrimination.”

“NYC Health + Hospitals is committed to reducing maternal mortality and morbidity, and the Women Forward NYC action plan will help us provide high quality care through a new substance use clinic for families,” said NYC Health + Hospitals Chief Women’s Health Service Officer Wendy Wilcox, MD, MPH, MBA, FACOG. “This is another way we’re innovating to provide needed health services to the women of New York City, adding to telehealth abortion care that we launched last fall.”

“NYC Service is thrilled to expand mentorship opportunities to serve young women, girls, and gender expansive youth,” said Chief Service Officer Laura Rog. “By embracing service and volunteers, the action plan will drive meaningful access to career mentorship and financial education to reduce gender disparities, and make great strides towards building a culture where New Yorkers uplift one another and take responsibility for the youth of our city. We are proud of our city’s commitment to harnessing the power of service to dismantle barriers to work and education as part of the Women Forward NYC action plan.”

“Women Forward NYC represents a groundbreaking commitment to expanding access and removing barriers for girls, women, transgender, non-binary and gender expansive New Yorkers to thrive,” said Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City Executive Director Marcella J Tillett. “New York City is currently experiencing more women’s leadership across all areas of government, nonprofit, academia, and private institutions than ever before in our history – it is critical that this progress is felt across social strata. Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City is proud to partner with the city and a wide-ranging group of community organizations to build on the promising practices and impactful approaches in economic empowerment, health and wellness, and safety that continue to work towards gender equity being a reality in New York City.”

“The Women Forward NYC agenda will expand the Childcare Business Pathways program for NYCHA residents, not only creating new pathways for aspiring child care business owners, but also strengthening the overall quality of early care and learning for children across New York City” said Mayor’s Office of Child Care and Early Childhood Education Interim Executive Director Tovah Gottesman. “Women Forward NYC recognizes investing in child care and early childhood education is one of the most effective ways to reduce poverty and provide families in New York City with economic stability.” 

“Today’s announcement further highlights the city’s unwavering commitment to addressing the inequities that women and girls face across the city,” said New York City Young Men’s Initiative (YMI) Acting Executive Director Nathifa Forde. “The work at YMI has spotlighted that young men and women do not live in silos, they live in communities together, but have unique experiences and needs. We are poised to learn from the years of success of YMI while paving a new way of support geared toward young women and girls of color. An exciting new chapter in New York City is on its way and, in the very near future, we are excited to lend our efforts to yet another example of how this administration ‘Gets Stuff Done.’” 

Under Mayor Adams’ leadership, the city has made significant investments and enacted policies to support women in New York City. The Adams administration created a “Women’s Health Agenda” to close the gaps in women’s health care caused by long-standing structural inequities, including lack of access to care, lack of inclusion, and lack of innovation. Building on his work as Brooklyn borough president to address Black maternal mortality, Mayor Adams announced expansions to the city’s doula services, the midwifery initiative, and general maternal health services programs.

Mayor Adams also launched New York City Pathways to Industrial and Construction Careers, an innovative new talent development initiative to bring women into emerging high-growth sectors.

Finally, child care is an issue that disproportionately impacts women, specifically women of color, who often act as primary caregivers while also representing a large number of child care sector employees. The Adams administration’s multi-billion-dollar child care blueprint invested in making child care more affordable and accessible for parents to get the care they need while simultaneously investing in the non-profit sector’s workforce.

New Yorkers can donate directly to the action plan online as New York City seeks to become the most women-forward city in the country.

“While states and cities across the nation are turning the clock back on the rights of women, New York City is proving that we are leaders when it comes to erasing the gender disparities that exist —in everything from higher education and the workforce to reproductive rights and maternal health care,” said New York City Councilmember Sandra Ung. “The Women Forward NYC action plan will continue the strides the Adams administration has made to erase gender inequities here in New York City, both through leveraging broad-minded investments and pursuing enlightened policy decisions.”

“The issues facing New York City families, from affordable housing to climate change and beyond, are significant. But there is no doubt that progress is being made to make our city more livable and vibrant for all,” said Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr. “I look forward to continuing our partnership with the Adams administration in the months and years ahead, as we create thousands of affordable housing units at Willets Point, expand healthcare services in Far Rockaway and more.”

“Even as more women assume leadership positions in our city, we know there is still work needs to be done to eliminate systemic barriers that prevent us from achieving gender equity,” said Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson. “This initiative is an important step forward towards creating a fairer city and demonstrates Mayor Adams’ commitment to ensuring all New Yorkers, regardless of their gender identity, have access to the resources to be successful. As the only borough led by two women, these issues are deeply personal for us, and we look forward to our continued partnership with the Administration to ensure pay parity, maternal and sexual health care, domestic violence prevention, workforce discrimination, and pathways to career opportunities, are at the forefront of our public policy conversations.” 

 “It is time to smash the glass ceiling and tear down all barriers to the success of women and girls, said New York State Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar.  “Today, New York City commits to propelling women forward, bringing all stakeholders to the table to support the millions of women that call this city home. Under this comprehensive, multipronged plan, we will tackle pay disparities, open up education opportunities, break down barriers to healthcare, make government responsive to the needs of women, and eliminate gender-based violence. The welfare of the world and the cause of peace depends upon the fulfillment of the potential of women. Under the leadership of Mayor Adams, New York City will become a global model for women’s empowerment.” 

“Although we continue to break barriers, women still face disproportionate adversity and inequities across the board. I applaud Mayor Eric Adams for advancing a holistic agenda to make New York City more women-forward as we work to close the gender pay gap, improve healthcare and end systemic violence against women,” said New York State Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn. “It is also vital to tackle the unique issues causing even greater inequalities among Black and Brown women, and I remain committed to dismantling disparities in the legislature alongside the Adams administration.” 

 “I commend Mayor Eric Adams ‘Women Forward NYC: An Action Plan for Gender Equity,’ to invest in our greatest assets: women,” said New York State Assemblymember Rebecca Seawright. “Breaking down gender disparities is key to accessing every part of our city including quality education and higher-paying jobs; dismantling barriers to sexual, reproductive, and maternal health care; reducing gender-based violence against women; and ensuring city government works better for women while creating a more women-friendly environment for the municipal workforce.” 

“Women Forward NYC represents a monumental step toward empowering and uplifting the women of our city, particularly those in NYCHA communities, and exemplifies the transformative power of public-private partnerships, said Alex Zablocki, executive director, Public Housing Community Fund. “By bridging the funding gap, we can support women and invest in their dreams, their families, and their businesses. The fund is proud to support Women Forward NYC through collaboration with generous donors and program partners to serve public housing families, expectant mothers, and NYCHA entrepreneurs in the food and childcare industries. This commitment by Mayor Eric Adams, city agencies, and many partners will ensure a nurturing environment where every woman can thrive and contribute to the vibrant tapestry of New York City.”

“The Fund for Public Health in New York City is proud to partner on this ground-breaking initiative and grateful to our private supporters,” said Sara Gardner Fund, chief executive officer, The Fund for Public Health in New York City. “We have so far raised over $10 million to support the health initiatives outlined in Women Forward NYC, designed to create a positive and lasting impact on women’s health in our city, especially for women of color.”

“JPMorgan Chase has long focused on the empowerment and advancement of women, investing in their ability to become business owners, homeowners and wealth builders,” said Jeanique Druses, head of philanthropy, northeast, JPMorgan Chase. “We are proud to be part of the city’s Women Forward NYC action plan and the collective effort to impact the economic success of women across New York.”

“Troop 6000 represents the best of New York City’s future, and the unparalleled resilience and passion of the girls living in city shelters who are leading this incredible troop continues to serve as an inspiration for so many children experiencing similar challenges across the city,” said Jimmy Van Bramer, chief growth and strategic partnerships officer, Girls Scouts of Greater NY. “As the troop continues to grow, the mayor’s Women Forward NYC action plan will further our efforts and these critical investments are vital to paving the way for economic mobility for the girls in Troop 6000 across the city. We applaud Mayor Adams for taking such an important and significant step to close the gender equity gap, especially for our most vulnerable girls and women.”

“We are proud to support the Women Forward NYC action plan to advance economic, social, and health justice for all women in New York City,” said Holly Fogle, president, Monarch Foundation. “At the Monarch Foundation, we are particularly committed to supporting birthing people in the critical prenatal and postnatal period by reducing their financial stress, supporting their material needs, and increasing healthy development for their babies. We are thrilled to invest in the Healthy Start program at NYCHA and to provide unconditional cash transfers to birthing people across New York City via The Bridge Project. We are encouraged by the mayor’s announcement and look forward to increased public and private partnership to decrease hardship among our city’s most vulnerable residents.”

“When we help women maximize their potential, we help New York City maximize its potential,” said Yvonne Riley-Tepie, senior vice president, social impact, Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY). “REBNY and its members are proud to work with the Adams Administration to build a career pipeline that unlocks new opportunities for women of all backgrounds across our city.”

“Mayor Adams’ Women Forward NYC action plan is a vital public-private partnership aimed at empowering and mentoring women of all ages across all five boroughs. At Rudin Management, we are proud to play a role in promoting gender equity in New York City,” said Samantha Rudin, co-CEO, Rudin Management.

“The mayor’s plan couldn’t come at a better time as the incidence of gender-based violence, particularly for LGBTQ+ women and nonbinary New Yorkers, continues to climb,” said Hayley Carrington-Walton PhD, vice president, gender-based violence, HELP USA. “The outlined provisions for career development, financial literacy, and sexual and reproductive health will significantly impact our ability to bring about positive change in the lives of those who need assistance the most.”

“The Intrepid Museum is proud to partner with Mayor Adams as a founding member of the Women Forward NYC action plan,” said Lynda Kennedy, vice president, education & evaluation, Intrepid Museum.  “At the heart of our museum’s mission is a commitment to empower young women in STEM fields, exemplified by our award-winning programming such as our annual Girls in Science and Engineering Day. We believe that introducing young minds to the wonders of science, technology, engineering and math is pivotal. Through engaging programs grounded in the engineering marvels in our collection and exposure to positive role models, we are actively inspiring girls and young women, providing them with a roadmap to high-growth STEM careers, aligning seamlessly with the mission of this ground-breaking action plan.”

“Collaborating with Mayor Eric Adams and his office, we are privileged and resolutely dedicated to providing women in New York with the chance to pursue an Ivy League education at no cost,” said Elpida Kokkota, founder & chief executive officer, Mexoxo. “In championing the idea that educated and empowered women serve as dynamic forces driving economic and civic progress, we are fueling a transformative journey towards prosperity and sustainable development for not only themselves and their families, but also their communities.

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