Battle Brews Over Harlem Marx Brothers Playground

Bloomberg reports that Groucho Marx once said that politics is the art of looking for trouble. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito have found it in a playground named for the comedian and his brothers in their old neighborhood on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up…

Harlem’s Gladys Alberta Bentley, Friend Of Cary Grant, Stanwyck, And Others, Way ‘Out’ Ahead Of Her Time

Gladys Alberta Bentley, August 12, 1907 – January 18, 1960, was a Harlem blues singer, pianist, and entertainer during the Harlem Renaissance. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Harlem World Magazine. (You can unsubscribe anytime)Constant Contact Use. Please leave this field blank.By…

Harlem’s “Funny Girl,” Fanny Brice, 1891 – 1951 (video)

Fanny Brice (October 29, 1891 – May 29, 1951) was a popular and influential American illustrated song model, comedienne, singer, and theater and film actress who made many stage, radio and film appearances and is known as the creator and star of the top-rated radio comedy series The Baby Snooks Show.  Become a Harlem Insider!…

Gladys Bentley’s Mona’s Club 440, Harlem, 1942 (video)

The advertisement above if for Mona’s Club 440 in 1942, with the explicit use of the word “gay” featured prominently. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Harlem World Magazine. (You can unsubscribe anytime)Constant Contact Use. Please leave…

Herbert “Whitey” White Exported The Lindy Hop From Harlem To The World (Video)

Herbert “Whitey” White (that’s him above in the white tie and white streak in his hair), a former bouncer (and ex-prize fighter) at the [easyazon_link identifier=”0813035171″ locale=”US” tag=”harlemworld-20″]Savoy Ballroom[/easyazon_link] exported the Lindy Hop from Harlem to dance halls around the world. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World…