On June 16, 1966 Stokely Carmichael of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) introduced “Black Power” as a slogan. Like no other ideology before, the heterogeneous and ideologically diverse movement that gave the powerful rallying cry its strength and depth shaped black consciousness and built an immense legacy that continues to resonate in the contemporary American landscape. With this Black Power 50 conversation, former Black Panthers Kathleen Cleaver and Jamal Joseph will help us launch our yearlong examination of the movement, which began with our two-part digital exhibition with Google Cultural Institute, leading up to an exhibition and a book in the fall as well as additional programs through June 2017.
This program will highlight the resonance of the 50th anniversary of the Black Power Movement in our contemporary social and political moment.
Watch on livestream.
Wednesday, June 15 at 6:30 PM
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