Real Men Cook: Food & Family = Fun & Good Memories

Some of our fondest memories tend to revolve around Family gatherings and delicious meals, especially in the Black community. Just the thought of family reunions, holiday times and general Sunday dinner with the family can make my mouth water when I think of the delicious spreads that are always on the table. The food was…

Walter’s World: Weekend Picks- Fun for the Entire Family

By Walter Rutledge This weekend runs the gamut of arts events happening in the city. There are free dance, music, and film events for the entire family taking place in the village of Harlem. You can also hear music that echoes the African- American experience near Lincoln Center. On Sunday you can spend time soaking…

The Impossible is Possible

By Claude Jay The Origin of the Watch Night Service On December 31, people around the world will gather to celebrate waiting and watching as 2009 goes out and the New Year 2010 comes in. Just a short subway ride from Harlem, thousands of people will gather to watch the ball drop In Time Square.…