Walter’s World: The Greatest Gift

By Walter Rutledge I know for many of you the arts and related arts events are a minor, if not trivial part of your day. With all the real defining moments happening around us hearing about a dance concert, or musical, or art exhibit is just one of life’s frivolities. What is amazing is how…

The Impossible is Possible

By Claude Jay The Origin of the Watch Night Service On December 31, people around the world will gather to celebrate waiting and watching as 2009 goes out and the New Year 2010 comes in. Just a short subway ride from Harlem, thousands of people will gather to watch the ball drop In Time Square.…

Building Collapse At 125th and Frederick Douglass

At about 9:30 am this morning on St. Nicholas Avenue and West 125 Street the FDNY using all hands on deck for a two-story building under demolition with scaffolds has collapsed onto a city bus with numerous people inside and trapped, and one man thrown from the demolish into the street (see above).

The Raz: How Sports Eased The Pain

By Marc Rasbury There is not a person over the age of 15, who does not remember what they were doing around 8:45 am on the morning of September 11, 2001. That is when a large jumbo jet crashed into the World Trade Center Tower One. About 30 minutes later, a second plane crashed into…

Butch Lewis, More than a Promoter

By Marc “The Raz” Rasbury With the all of the NFL lockout news dominating the sports airwaves of late, the death of the flamboyant boxing promoter, Butch Lewis, flew under the radar screen this week. But this in no way should diminish the impact this man had on the world of boxing and the entertainment…

New $100 Million Development Planned

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Deputy Mayor for Economic Development Robert K. Steel and New York City Economic Development Corporation NYCEDC President Seth W. Pinsky today announced the selection of developers to rehabilitate the former Taystee Bakery Complex and the Corn Exchange Building, both located along the 125th Street commercial corridor in Harlem.