Avoid These 5 Holiday Scams

’Tis the season to be careful. As you make your lists and check them twice, don’t forget to keep your eyes open for scammers who try to take your goodwill — and leave you with nothing to show for it.

Studio One: Start a Walking Program

Get out of your chair and move: It’s the single best thing you can do for your health. You don’t even have to spend hours in a stuffy gym to reap the benefits — a brisk walk outside is one of the best exercises you can choose, especially if you do it right.

9 Fall Style Picks to Spice Up Your Outfits

It’s always hard to say good-bye to summer. But a new season brings with it a chance to reinvent your wardrobe. This fall, fashion is taking a turn toward the playful. Forget outfits of solid black. Instead, embrace color, prints, patterns and texture. Here, fall fashion picks from four of our favorite fashionistas.