Commandment Keepers in Harlem

The “Commandment Keepers Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation of the Living God Pillar & Ground of Truth, Inc.: ” are a sect of Black Hebrews, founded in 1919 by Nigerian-born Rabbi Wentworth Arthur Matthew (pictured),

Bert Williams, Harlem

Egbert Austin “Bert” Williams (November 12, 1874 – March 4, 1922) was one of the preeminent entertainers of the Vaudeville era and one of the most popular comedians for all audiences of his time. “(Bert Williams was)…central to the development of a global black modernism centered in Harlem’s Renaissance.”

Real Men Cook: Food & Family = Fun & Good Memories

Some of our fondest memories tend to revolve around Family gatherings and delicious meals, especially in the Black community. Just the thought of family reunions, holiday times and general Sunday dinner with the family can make my mouth water when I think of the delicious spreads that are always on the table. The food was…