Resurrected Harlem, Rev. Calvin Butts Seeks Salvation

Crains New York reports that when the definitive history of New York’s resurgence is written, one of the pivotal players will be Harlem’s Abyssinian Development Corp., the church-based housing and social-services organization that the Rev. Calvin Butts led to resurrect a neighborhood that once symbolized urban collapse.

Coumo Announces “Bridge” Loans

Short-Term Loans Now Available Through Participating Lenders Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the launch of the Bridge to Success loan program, now available through participating lenders committing at least $20 million to expand access to short-term bridge loans for Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs).

Rosie Perez Does “Do The Right Thing”

By Ken Simmons 25 years after making her powerful acting debut in Spike Lee’s Oscar-nominated “Do The Right Thing,” Rosie Perez is continuing her mission of inspiring others with her revelations of overcoming abject poverty and abuse in her memoir HANDBOOK FOR AN UNPREDICTABLE LIFE: How I Survived Sister Renata and My Crazy Mother, and…

Jesse Jackson’s RainbowPUSH Pushes Inclusion

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition and Citizenship Education  Fund  announced Wednesday at a press briefing during of the 17th Annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit it is imperative corporations cease locking out minorities on corporate boards and financial transactions.