Run, Kafi, Run, NY1’s Kafi Drexel Runs At NYC Marathon

This year for the upcoming ING New York City Marathon on Sunday, November 7, NY1 Health and Fitness Reporter Kafi Drexel will be running on the Baby Buggy Team to help raise funds and awareness for families in need. The Baby Buggy Team spoke to Ms. Drexel who’s almost a Harlem girl, (she went to…

Walter’s World: The Dance Gallery Festival

By Walter Rutledge One of the many obstacles an emerging artist faces is visibility. The philosophical riddle, “If a tree falls in the forest but nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” addresses the differences of the observed and unobserved worlds. The Dance Gallery Festival provided visibility in a professional venue…

Ms. Drama, The Queen of Drama

The onetime intern sports reporter and almost weather reporter in Atlanta has transformed herself into one of the best gossip writers in the business. The Spellman, NYU graduate and inventor of the Ms. Drama, The Drama Queen brand talks on her hometown, Harlem, her spiritualism, Alicia Keys and memorable interviews.

Harlem Jazz Museum Acquires Trove By Greats

For decades jazz cognoscenti have talked reverently of “the Savory Collection.” Recorded from radio broadcasts in the late 1930s by an audio engineer named William Savory, it was known to include extended live performances by some of the most honored names in jazz — but only a handful of people had ever heard even the…

Walter’s World: Remembering Jimmy

By Walter Rutledge August 2, 2010 marked the eighty-sixth birthday of James Baldwin. For the second year in a row the Faison Firehouse Theater has chosen to step to the forefront and present Remembering Jimmy– a tribute to the late James Baldwin. Last year the celebration was a forum with colleagues and contemporaries, and family…

Kelis Covers JET Magazine

Kelis may not have a hit album but she covers the latest issue of JET. The R&B singer Kelis says she’s stronger and wiser after her divorce to Nas. Find out how she’s moving on by promoting her new album, kicking off the All Hearts tour and raising her son, Knight in next week’s JET.

Dr. Jeff Gardere on VH1’s “Dad Camp”

Last Father’s Day, President Obama challenged young men to step up as fathers, asking them to recognize that their “responsibility does not end at conception.” VH1 and 3 Ball Productions are taking that call to heart with the new series “Dad Camp,” which tasks a small group of young fathers-to-be to step up and become…

Oscar Micheaux Stamp Unveiling in Harlem

The 33rd stamp in the Black Heritage series honors pio­neering filmmaker Oscar Micheaux (1884-1951) wrote, directed, produced, and distributed more than 40 movies during the first half of the 20th century. An ambitious, larger-than-life figure, Micheaux thrived at a time when African-American filmmakers were rare, venues for their work were scarce, and support from the…

‘Rainbows” by Sue

“I just wrote this after someone tried to tell me that oil (and the spill and how we can stop drilling to avoid further combat) has nothing to do with war and this person said “No its all religion” (and tried to tell me about religion) and really at this point there are 300 reasons…