Community Works’ Harlem Is Theater exhibition

Barbara Horowitz , Founder and President of Community Works, announces the launch of a year-long, citywide, multi-arts focus on Harlem’s historic role in the development of Black Theater and its impact on our national culture. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like…

West Harlem #RockThoseReads Community Service Project

 On Tuesday, April 1, 2014, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., on the southeast corner of 125th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, Total Equity Now (TEN) will once again engage an intergenerational team of volunteers in promoting reading as a key component of who we are and what we do here in Harlem. Become a Harlem Insider!…

Souleo: Black Fashion Designers Need Help Too

In the past few years the lack of diversity on fashion runways has garnered mainstream attention through activists such as legendary model, Bethann Hardison. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Harlem World Magazine. (You can unsubscribe anytime)Constant…

HW Pick: Ellison at 100: Reading Invisible Man

The Studio Museum in Harlem and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture are pleased to announce a major collaboration celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of one of America’s greatest writers, Ralph Ellison. On Saturday, March 1, 2014—a century after Ellison’s birth in Oklahoma City—Ellison at 100: Reading Invisible Man will kick…

Harlem Cultural Jewels Tour Part Of Harlem Advocacy Week

By Yolande Brener Imagining America is a consortium of universities dedicated to civic engagement in the arts. As part of Harlem Advocacy Week, which ran from October 1 to October 7, I attended Imagining America’s tour of Harlem’s Cultural Jewels. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine…

The Therapeutic Poet: Where Harlem Starts

I was heading up from Times Square to Powell and 125th to check out the exhibit at the Studio Museum. I was on Broadway, at 44th Street, ducking and dodging the meandering tourists. As the multitudes of tourists look up and around (any which way but straight ahead,) Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our…