Walter’s World: Camille A. Brown “Fun- Raiser”

By Walter Rutledge On October 10, 2011, Camille A. Brown held her second annual fundraiser. The festival event could be more accurately described “fun-raiser”. In addition to raising funds for her fledging company the evening honored two women who are still making vital contributions in dance; former dancer, turned singer and dance curator Danielle Gee…

HW Radio: Walter Rutledge behind-the-scenes at Thelma Hill (today)

Walter Rutledge, senior arts and culture editor of HW’s Walters World will host a series of behind-the-scenes conversation about The 35th Commemorative Year of The Thelma Hill Performing Arts Center. The annual Souls Of Our Feet People of Color Dance Festival is a five-day dance celebration has been aptly named Thirty5-in-5 and will present thirty-five…

Does This Bus Stop at 125h Street? #3 & #4

By Richard Daub This is part three and four in a six part series. Photo of the tour guide. I was also curious about what the outside perception of Harlem. Having grown up on Long Island in the 1980s, Harlem was simply a place that you did not go.