Study On Black Women’s Attitudes On Beauty

In its first segmentation study on African-American women and their psychographics around beauty, ESSENCE uncovers the unique mindset of the most passionate beauty consumers, African-American women. Smart Beauty V: A Revealing Look at the Mindset of Passionate African-American Beauty Consumers shows African-American women to be twice as likely to feel positive about their beauty.

Pair Accused Of Swindling National Black Theater

The statement below is from Michael Lythcott and Sade Lythcott, son and daughter of national Black Theater founder Dr. Barbara Ann Teer: “The National Black Theater has been part of the cultural foundation of Harlem for more than 40 years. Unfortunately, nefarious business practices and eventual abandonment by our investor group, Nubian Heritage, now threaten…

My Cancer: Only A Small Part Of My Life II

I’m Still Here! My 1st article for Harlem World My Cancer: Only a Small Part of my Life was in October 2009, when I was into my 5th month living with brain cancer. Here’s a brief recap before I get into what’s been going on. I had surgery to remove the bulk of the tumor;…

Jazz vs. Racism By Greg Thomas

In the brief time that I’ve been posting blog entries to Integral Post, rarely have I explicitly discussed the issue of race, which, it seems to me, is a blindspot of the Integral community. Yet I intend, more and more, to visit the theme of race and view it through an Integral lens.

HW Talk: : Samuelson, Silvia’s, Clinton…

Everyone loves Harlem, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, starring Sandra Bullock, is filming around 98th Street between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway … Rookies, a pilot starring LeeLee Sobieski, is filming around Riverside Drive and 93rd Street … the media fuels community wars by calling businesses in Harlem asking why the President Obama is planning a…

The Therapeutic Poet: Where Harlem Starts

I was heading up from Times Square to Powell and 125th to check out the exhibit at the Studio Museum. I was on Broadway, at 44th Street, ducking and dodging the meandering tourists. As the multitudes of tourists look up and around (any which way but straight ahead,)

My Cancer: Only A Small Part of my Life

By Collette Henry In hearing about the many people who have cancer, it never felt so real until I was diagnosed with brain cancer. I’m into my fifth month living with brain cancer. Well, it’s actually been five months since being diagnosed but no one can tell me exactly how long I’ve been living with…