NYC Electeds Co-Sponsor Transportation Investment Legislation

Today, a coalition of New York State Assembly Members unveiled groundbreaking legislation that not only will fund MTA capital needs but will create a $4.5 billion Transit Gap Investment Fund (TGIF) to expand public transit and improve accessibility for millions of New Yorkers, particularly those who live in so-called “transit deserts.” Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for…

Levine, Park Advocates Call To Save Critical Parks Jobs

This morning, Harlem City Council Member Mark Levine led the first hearing for the Parks and Recreation Committee on the Fiscal 2017 Preliminary Budget for the Department of Parks and Recreation. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from…

Harlem’s Melissa Mark-Viverito Young Women’s Initiative

Today, Harlem Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and the New York City Council launched the Young Women’s Initiative, a multiplatform coalition aimed at supporting young women in New York City. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Harlem World Magazine.…

Rally to Support After School and Early Childhood Education

On Thursday morning, more than 500 children from city after-school programs rallied outside City Hall to urge the Mayor not to cut 47,000 children from child care and after-school programs. Become a Harlem Insider! Sign-Up for our Newsletter *Select list(s) to subscribe toHarlem World Magazine Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Harlem…