When Will You Change Your Disposition?

By Daseta Gray, M.Ed, Certified Infant/Toddler Specialist Disposition means ones attitude, perspective and beliefs. As an Educator, child care provider, parent and community leader you must keep in mind you are the key to helping to develop young minds.

Harlem’s Liya Kebede Designs For Freedom

The fashion industry has teamed up with a charity Born Free to create a collection to wipe out AIDS among infants in South Africa, and Harlem resident and Ethiopian model Liya Kebede, dedicated to maternal health in her native country, has designed several pieces for the collection.

Harlem’s Geoffrey Canada At Town&Country Philanthropy Summit

Town & Country will present the magazine’s first-ever Philanthropy Summit at Hearst Tower in New York City on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. The Summit gathers the country’s most passionate philanthropists and visionary leaders of charitable organizations, with Geoffrey Canada from Harlem Children’s Zone as one of the lead panelist.

Try These Foods That Reduce Stress In Harlem

By Lambeth Hochwald, Studio One A rough day at work, a houseful of chores and bickering kids can leave you feeling frazzled. You’re tempted to reach for the pretzels or chocolate, but you know it’s not good to reach for something to eat when you’re totally stressed out, right?

Touro’s Sommerville Wins Fellowship In Ghana

Alia Sommerville, a fourth-year medical student at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (TouroCOM), has been awarded a scholarship from National Medical Fellowships, Inc. (NMF), a non-profit organization that advocates for increasing the number of underrepresented minority physicians in the United States.

Local Food Initiative Assists Families In Harlem And Beyond

” …West Harlem …. expected to be hard hit by Congressional cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).” The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), along with the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund are proud to announce the unveiling of a new initiative, Communities for Healthy Food NYC, which seeks to improve access to healthy…

Harlem Non-Profit Serves African Diaspora

New York City is home to hundreds of ethnic and immigrant groups from around the world, including Africans. But until recently, the African diaspora lacked a center dedicated to their needs, especially regarding HIV/AIDS prevention, counseling and treatment.

The Raz: You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello

By Marc Rasbury   Last week, CBS aired the 50th Anniversary Special of the Beatles performing on the Ed Sullivan Show and that got me thinking about one of their songs as it pertains to what took place in the world of sports over the past couple of weeks.