Exposed: fracking licenses granted in Bushmen’s reserve

Large parts of Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) – home to Africa’s last hunting Bushmen – have been opened up to international companies for the controversial practice of ‘fracking’, according to an investigation for the documentary film ‘The High Cost of Cheap Gas’ and British newspaper The Guardian.

“Major” Leon Wallace’s Goju Karate In Harlem

“Major” Leon Wallace (in the red hat) holds a special place in Harlem lore as one of its truly unique unsung heroes. He was a visionary pioneer who first brought the martial arts, GOJU Karate, to the African American community, know as Harlem U. S. A., located in New York City.

Art In FLUX Pops Up at Aloft Hotel, Harlem

Art In FLUX Harlem and Aloft Hotel launch a collaboration to promote visual artists in Harlem.  On the evening of December 3, 2013 Art In FLUX presents two Harlem artists, Andre Woolery and Ruben Natal-San Miguel, in the lobby of Aloft on their dedicated art walls.

Apollo Theater Winter 2013/2014 Events

Coca-Cola Winter Wonderland  Saturday, December 14, 2013  2:00 p.m.-6 p.m. Under the Apollo’s iconic marquee, Coca-Cola will offer a variety of holiday-themed activities and performances that are free and open to the public.