Justin (Sean) Combs Launching Events Company

December 30, 2015

justin combs in harlem1He’s been a brand practically since he was born thanks to Harlem man Diddy’s restaurant Justin’s, but now Justin Combs has garnered his own Page Six item — without his Dad picking up a kettle bell!

Justin Combs’ son Justin, who made headlines in June when his dad allegedly attacked one of Justin’s UCLA football coaches, has graduated and is launching a venture with classmate Kene Orjioke.

Like all events-and-branding companies, its goals are grandly vague. They’ll offer “enhanced social experiences,” musical performances in an intimate setting and have a “charity component.”

Justin will leverage “personal network and influence to boost quality, reach, and power of the brand.” It all starts in February.

Listen, we all know good and damn well Justin doesn’t have to work a day in his life if he doesn’t want to — so as entitled as it may seem for him to be starting his own company just a few weeks after getting his bachelor’s degree — hey at least he’s working!

Via Source

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