Conference for Educators & Youth Service Providers

March 26, 2014


The 2014 HEROES Model National Conference is here. HEROES represents Heritage, Education, Relationships, Opportunities, Entrepreneurship and Service – 6 crucial areas necessary for development to be effective. This conference is hosted by The HEROES Model Institute and Re:LIFE Incorporated.
As an educator, I am committed to service to humanity by empowering our children and youth through endeavors like the HEROES model.
The theme of this conference is “Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Equipping educators and youth service providers with relevant tools needed to engage and empower children and youth to succeed in the global economy”.

Please use code ‘CHIKE‘ for a special 10% discount on all ticket prices between March 20th and April 2nd.

Discussions and presentations will focus on Engagement through Innovation and will introduce The HEROES model to educators and youth service providers from an innovative perspective.

The Conference will be held at The Grove School of Engineering of The City College of New York, 258 Convent Avenue, New York, NY  10031 on April 14-16th, 2014 from 9:30a – 5:30p.
Hon Adam Clayton Powell IV as our special guest speaker. For more conference details, please visit
To register, please visit

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