City Unveils Updated Inwood Rezoning Plan

July 15, 2017

Almost one full year after being booed out of a meeting, the city Economic Development Corporation returned to Community Board 12 Thursday night to present an updated proposal to rezone Inwood both east and west of 10th Avenue.

Due to fears that three special district upzonings east of 10th Avenue would accelerate gentrification in the heavily rent-regulated areas west of 10th Avenue the city EDC decided to take some time to draw up a contextual rezoning plan for the entire neighborhood.

The plans for east of 10th Avenue have not changed, but the EDC has proposed splitting areas west of 10th Avenue and north of Dyckman Street into two separate zoning districts — the housing-rich “Upland Core” which occupies about 80 percent of the area and the “Commercial U” which runs along Dyckman Street, Broadway and West 207th Street.

All areas which fall under the “Upland Core” will be rezoned from R7-2 districts to R7A, a decision which could please some of the more vocal critics of the rezoning plan. The R7A district — an overwhelming favorite among activists during a July zoning workshop — will cap building heights at 8 stories with a buildable floor area ratio of 4.0 for residential buildings and 6.5 for community facilities, according to the EDC. The zoning would also overlay commercial use for ground-floor retail where it currently exists.

Read entire article HERE.

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