Cellphone Service Coming To More Subway Stations In Harlem

January 8, 2016

subway train in harlem1New York City subway riders from Harlem to Hollis will soon have access to Wi-Fi and cellphone service as part of a plan to upgrade an aging transit system that serves 9 million people daily.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo detailed the improvements Friday, saying the five-year, $29 billion plan will restore New York’s legacy of building big for future generations.

The plan includes subway station countdown clocks, improved signal technology and replacement subway cars. Thirty stations will be completely overhauled.

In addition, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority plans to buy new transit buses, expand service and complete bridge and tunnel repairs.

While the plan doesn’t go as far as transportation advocates had hoped, Cuomo says it’s an investment that will improve quality of life and prepare the nation’s largest city for the future.

Via Source

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