HWM Advisory Board (HWMAB)

The mission of the Harlem World Magazine Advisory Board (HWMAB) is to provide strategic guidance, expertise, and support to the magazine, contributing to its growth, sustainability, and positive impact within the Harlem community.


  1. Strategic Guidance: The Advisory Board offers strategic guidance to Harlem World Magazine, helping shape its long-term vision, goals, and direction. Members provide valuable insights and expertise to inform decision-making, ensuring the magazine remains relevant, innovative, and responsive to the needs of the community.
  2. Expertise and Industry Knowledge: Advisory Board members bring diverse expertise and industry knowledge relevant to the magazine’s operations and goals. They provide insights and perspectives on editorial content, marketing strategies, community engagement, financial management, and other areas critical to the magazine’s success.
  3. Network and Resources: Members leverage their networks, connections, and resources to support the magazine’s growth and impact. They facilitate collaborations, partnerships, and sponsorships that enhance the magazine’s reach, influence, and sustainability. They actively promote the magazine within their respective spheres of influence.
  4. Advocacy and Promotion: Advisory Board members act as ambassadors for Harlem World Magazine, advocating for its importance and impact within the Harlem community and beyond. They actively promote the magazine’s content, events, and initiatives through various channels, helping to amplify its voice and visibility.
  5. Community Engagement: Members actively engage with the Harlem community, fostering relationships and understanding the community’s evolving needs and aspirations. They serve as a bridge between the magazine and the community, ensuring that the magazine remains inclusive, representative, and responsive to the diverse voices and interests of Harlem residents.
  6. Thought Leadership: Advisory Board members contribute thought leadership by sharing insights, trends, and innovations relevant to the magazine’s focus areas. They offer guidance on emerging topics, industry best practices, and opportunities for growth and expansion. They encourage a culture of innovation and excellence within the magazine.
  7. Accountability and Evaluation: Members uphold a sense of accountability and ethical conduct, acting in the best interest of Harlem World Magazine and its stakeholders. They actively participate in evaluating the magazine’s impact, effectiveness, and organizational performance, providing feedback and suggestions for continuous improvement.
  8. Collaboration and Engagement: Advisory Board members actively collaborate with the magazine’s leadership team, staff, and other stakeholders. They participate in board meetings, discussions, and strategic planning sessions, actively contributing their expertise, insights, and perspectives. They engage in constructive dialogue and foster a culture of collaboration and respect.

By adhering to these guidelines and embracing the mission, the Advisory Board of Harlem World Magazine plays a crucial role in guiding and supporting the magazine’s growth, impact, and relevance within the Harlem community.

The members include:

Danny Tisdale, Chair

CC Minton, President

Eartha Watts-Hicks, Executive Editor/Secretary

Heather Le Claire, Finance

Gwendolyn Black, Arts

Yolande Brenner

Tiffany Fulton, Small Business

Gwen Kingsberry, Non-profit

Glenn Hunter, History

The HWM Readers

Contact Us if you have any questions or need more information.

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